Chapter 17: Brainwashed

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"I know something's coming." Said the alpha, looking away from the young werewolf girl in front of him. "And all I can think about is how good am I going to be if I can't even breathe?" There was only silence in the now closed animal clinic. "Kelsey, I don't know Ill be capable to do what you're asking me to do. Not now."

The young girl didn't answer; she just stood watching his anxious alpha. She thought about how pathetic he looked, how weak. Something she would never think, but his alpha was turning into something he would never wanted to be. Someone who could not protect his pack, someone lost.

Meanwhile, the guy who had lied to everyone to achieve their trust watched how the three creatures called as the Dread Doctors injected some substance in their own bodies.

"I kept Scott out of your way. I tricked Kelsey, she's telling me everything. I just need more time." He tried to convince the Doctors but they kept ignoring. "I did everything you wanted. Now, I need Hayden alive."


"You promised me a pack."

"We promised you nothing."

"I need her alive!" Tears were starting to form in his eyes. One of the Doctors turned to him, looking at him through the mask. He was starting to anger them.

"Only until the perigee-syzygy."



Something's happening to Kelsey. The Doctors did something to her. She was behaving in a different way, in a strange way.

I heard it all the other night. Theo rescued Hayden and I and took us to Scott's house, where we fell asleep on his couch. But I woke up after a couple of minutes. As I didn't want to wake Hayden up, I didn't move or say anything at all. But I could hear, and the only voice I could focus was on Kelsey's.

Would you believe me if I said I love you?

Yeah, I would. 'Cause I think I love you too.

It had been five days since that, and Kelsey hadn't been to school since then. Theo told us she was sick, and Lydia wouldn't say anything about it. I was starting to really worry.

We all went to school, pretending like nothing's happened. But everyone seemed to know. You just walked down the halls and no one was smiling. No one was laughing. You got the feeling that everyone could sense that something was coming. They just didn't know what was, or how bad it was going to be.

I was afraid of that, of this. I kissed Hayden on our way home when Theo saved us that night.

But it didn't feel the same as it did with Kelsey.

I fucked up. I fucked up so much. And now I missed her. And I had to deal with Hayden. And I didn't know what to do. And I just wanted Kelsey back.

But she wasn't her anymore. Theo had brainwashed her or something. She would never tell him she loved him. She would never love him. The Doctors took her with us and they might have done something to her. There was also something wrong with her tone of voice yesterday, it was so cheerful but wrong at the same time. It wasn't her.

And I knew she wasn't her when they kissed.

It was too late. I fucked everything up. Now she would hate me and wouldn't talk to me. So if there was a possibility I could have done something, now there wasn't. Because it was too late.

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