Chapter 12: Finding Out

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My eyes were blue.

No. No no no no no.

I closed them, rested my weigh on my hands on the lockers room sink, counted to ten and then opened them again in front of the mirror.

They were glowing blue.

And my pack, my friends, my boyfriend, my own sister, didn't tell me. Did everything made sense now? Yes. The feeling of they hiding me something, the fact that they stayed with me when I lost control even though I could had hurt them. Just to make sure I didn't see myself in a mirror.

I was a fucking assassin. If my eyes were blue, it only meant I killed someone. An innocent. I was a murderer. I was an assassin. I was a monster. How could I live, knowing that I took someone's life? I was so selfish. I didn't deserve to even exist. I was a bad person.

And this memory I had last nigh of this little kid...

The door opened, Liam coming in. I looked at him and he stood there for a moment until I broke the eye contact. He came next to me and sat down, as he never stopped looking at me. Then we stood in silence.

Could I forgive him?

Yes. I knew he was just doing it because Scott told him, and if I think about it, I'm sure I could find some time he almost told me. Also, he didn't know too much about it, he was still new to this entire supernatural thing.

And a part of me knew I had to do it because having trouble with our relationship right now would just... Incite someone to come and tear us apart.

Now, could I forgive the ones who were supposed to not lie to me? The ones who were supposed to tell me and help me with it?

I wasn't that sure.

And could I forgive myself?

Totally no.


I looked at Liam, sitting by my side. He looked at me with a light smile that just made me return a weak one to him. He placed his hand on my cheek and wiped off my tears. I knew my eyes were puffy and I felt like my throat was going to hurt me if I tried to talk.

"I'm not used to see you cry." He interlocked our fingers and moved a bit closer to me. I tried to contain a chuckle, what was easy. He clearly didn't know what to say. "Not since you turned. You started to look so badass and... invincible."

I shook my head looking down. I could never feel invincible again.

"I'm a monster." My voice did hurt. Also, it was barely audible. Liam looked at me with sorrow as he bit his lip.

"You are not." He firmly said. "And you shouldn't feel like it."

"Liam, I killed someone." I looked up and felt the tears coming back. " An innocent. Someone who did nothing to me and I just took his or her life." My voice started to crack. "And last night I had like this vision or hallucination..." I stopped because I started remembering the memory. "Where a kid is trying to get away from me and he or she's just crying for help while I attack. But I don't remember doing it." I swear if it was that kid I could never ever forgive my self. The thought just tore my heart apart. "I have been living happily without knowing while this... person I must have killed was dead. I don't even wanna think about his or her family-"

I couldn't finish because of my crying. I covered my face with my hands as I just let it all go. I was a terrible person who had done a horrible thing. I wish I could stopped existing.

I felt Liam move away from my side, but just to feel him sitting in front of me. My legs were separated, just like his. He just moved close in front of me until the point I was basically straddling him.

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