"You look spectacular." I eyed her from head to toe.

"Thank you. You do not look so bad yourself." She grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the terrace. It was cold outside, but it was a good change from the warmness inside.

"It's boiling hot in there." She said, resting her arms on the railing.

"That is true. Wanda left me greeting the guests. I am glad you arrived." I leaned beside her.

"Katy broke a nail. She made a huge deal about it." She smiled.

We went back inside, Laurel holding my arm as we made our way to the dance floor. This was not like the other party Laurel and I went to. The music was more refined and everyone wore fancy clothes and were in their best behavior. Slow music played, setting the Christmas mood.

"Can I have this dance?" I asked, holding out my arm.

"Yes, Pietro. Yes." Laurel said, grabbing my arm and getting close.

We looked around and everyone was staring at us. They way we swayed from side to side, moving as gracefully as the word itself. We became the center of attention. I overheard people asking who was the girl. Of course. None of the guests knew who Laurel was, and why she was dancing with me. I shook the thought away and focused my attention to Laurel, whose eyes flickered in the light and her lips smiled. I was a lucky guy. Her hair perfectly placed, her cheeks blushing red. I had the most perfect girl in the world standing in front of me. I couldn't care less about what other people had to say. Her hand shifted from my shoulder to my cheek, moving her thumb as she caressed it. She bowed her head as a smiled tugged on her lips. I couldn't resist but smiling as well. She looked up, our eyes meeting. The music and all other sounds quieted down. Right now, only the two of us existed. I placed a small kiss on her cheek, making her blush once again. The music stopped, everyone clapped, and we proceeded again to walk around the room.

"Red suits you." Laurel stopped, turning to face me.

"It does, but blue is more my color." I said, digging my hands in my pocket. "I got you something."

She glanced at my pockets, then shutting her eyes. I took the small case out of my pocket, wiping the lint that was on top of it.

"Open your eyes." I whispered, opening the case as her eyes opened. She smiled, glancing briefly at me, and then back at the locket I had bought her.

"Oh, Pietro." She said, opening the locket. Inside, a picture of us was on one side, and on the other, the words: "excuse me, is this seat taken?".

"Those were my first words to you. Merry Christmas." I smiled as she held the locket. "May I put it on?" I asked. She gave me the locket, turning around for me to put it on. I opened the chain and proceeded to gently put it around her.

She turned around, cupping my face and placing a kiss on my lips.

"Thank you." She whispered before reuniting our lips.

We made our way to the Christmas tree, where everyone was starting to unwrap their gifts. I got shoes, hoodies, and other stuff. Laurel bought me a silver ring. It had a lightning bolt design on it. I let her put it on my finger. Then I kissed her, making everyone cheer for us. Laurel wore an awkward smile, with me blushing of embarrassment.

Then it was time for everyone to dance with a partner. Tony danced with Pepper, Thor with Jane, Clint with his wife, Cap with Natasha, Wanda with Vision, and me with Laurel. First, a slow dance came on. Laurel and me sat this one out. But, a familiar song came on. "Shut Up and Dance" by Walk the Moon." Laurel and I had dubbed this our song. She took my hand and we headed to the center of the dance floor. We got close and started dancing. Grinding and swaying.

"This woman is my destiny..."

This woman is my destiny.

"Shut up and dance with me!"

The beat dropped and we all jumped with it. The room was full of people singing along, jumping, drinking. This party had gone from a formal gathering, to a dance party in seconds. But, that was the only upbeat song they played that night. The rest was either Christmas or classical songs.

They served food afterwards. There was a huge buffet full of good-looking food. There were many tables prepared. Laurel and I sat with Wanda, Vision, Cap, and Natasha. It was a fun night. Laurel and I danced a bit afterwards.

"Man, I'm tired." Laurel said, leaning her head on my shoulder.

"When is this party going to end?" I asked, swaying to the right, then to the left.

"We can make it end right now." She smirked.

"Laurel. Can we at least wait until everyone is gone?"

"Yeah. Never." She scoffed.

I smirked, guiding her out of the huge crowd. We headed inside the bathroom. I closes the door behind us.

"What are we doing?" She asked, leaning on the sink.

It was a pretty big bathroom. I took out my phone and played a song. The song me and Laurel slow danced to at Katy's party.

"Is photographic memory part of your abilities set?" She said, getting close to me.

"At least we can have one private dance." I said, wrapping my arms around her waist. She put hers around my neck.

"This has been a nice night." She said as I twirled her.

"I am glad I spent it with you." I leaned in for a kiss, only to be interrupted by Tony shouting from outside. It was time for the cake. We left the bathroom and strolled over to the dining room, where the cake was being presented. Tony stood beside it.

"I'd like to thank Ms. Laurel Williams here, for making this gorgeous cake at her bakery!" He shouted, pointing at Laurel.

She smiled as everyone cheered for her. I looked at her and clapped too. She bowed and grabbed my arm. I think she felt safer being close to me.

"Let us dig in!" Thor yelled, making the huge crowd roar. The cake was a huge three-layered red velvet cake, frosted with a red-green swirl frosting. On each layer, miniature statues of each Avenger stood, each wearing a Santa Claus hat. On the very top, a tiny Hulk stood roaring. By the time everyone had a piece of the cake, only crumbs were left at the cake's podium.

"This is really good." I mumbled, my taste buds tingling at the red velvet's flavor.

"Thank you." Laurel smiled, taking a bite of her piece.

"Merry Christmas, Laurel."

"Merry Christmas, Pietro."

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