Ch 39. On The Right Track

Start from the beginning

"I didn't always have this power." mom told me. She tapped her thigh with her fingers, thinking through clearly. "I... I got it somehow."

"What?" Did she mean something weird? Like Spider man getting bitten by a spider? Or nuclear accidents that seem to have given a power?

"I... I haven't told you about my childhood." she chuckled, as if it was weird. It was weird that I hadn't had a real talk with her about when she was little. It felt like mom and I had grown distant for some years. Like we never talked for real. Like we only said good morning and good night.

 "I was... very bullied when I was a child." she started off, giving me a sad smile. I nodded, not knowing how to respond in another way without sounding like I pitied her. "I never understood what people wanted. And even with my parents... They didn't like me either."

It didn't feel like I was talking to my mom. Being so open with my mom. It felt like talking to a sister for me. "Everyday I lived, wishing for a different life." mom kept on. "I wanted to be able to know how to sort my life. I wanted to know what everyone wanted and expected from me. One day, I went to a meadow at night. I was crying."

She hesitated before continuing. "I saw a falling star. So I wished that I could fix everything."

"And then it happened?"

"Yes. The next day I got my power. It was terrifying in the beginning but I realized that it was good for me because life was more enjoyable when I learned how to use it."

She gave me a warm smile. "That was the start of it. I'll tell you the rest when you're ready."

"What do you mean ready?" I chuckled. "Come on, tell me now."

"No. You'll get to know sooner or later." mom hugged me. "Now go."


"Go attack them with your acting."

I smirked. "Buy a bigger TV, mom. I'm going to be on it soon." I joked and ran out. I was running so fast through the wind. I was like a butterfly, flying around as much as possible to show off my beautiful wings. Nothing could stop me anymore. A broken leg or arm would heal. I'd be back on track sooner or later. 

I ran through Zach's apartment and realized that I had never visited him. I had never seen his place even once. "Zach!!!" I yelled out. No answer. "Zach!!!" I repeated and this time I heard a grunt. 

"What?!" he yelled when I saw him open his balcony. "Who the hell..." He looked down at me and saw that it was me. "Audree!"

I grinned and entered the apartment, finding his name tag on the door and ringing the bell like crazy. Eventually he opened with a annoyed face and I ran in, exploring his house. It was very basic, and not that big. He was living alone after all. I laughed when I saw how messy it was, seeing huge piles of clothes on the floor. I attacked it, and laid on the pile of clothing as if it was snow. I liked messy rooms and it was weird that I did. It felt funny seeing a messy room I thought.

"You need a mom to clean this up!" I yelled out, even though I liked it. I didn't hear anything and looked up at him, seeing a frozen Zach standing there like stone. I realized that I had hit a weak spot. Maybe something was up with his mom. "I came here to tell you something!" I yelled out, switching the topic and trying to make it sound natural. He looked at me with serious eyes, as if I was doing it for him and that he knew that I changed the topic for him.

"What is it?" he asked with a gentle smile.

I looked at him with happy eyes. I was expecting something good but I started thinking. I didn't want to tell him yet. Zach was someone who accepted me for me. I didn't want to disappoint him. I couldn't tell him. I wanted him to know by seeing it with his own eyes.

"I'm going on a vacation!" I lied. Luckily he couldn't see my aura. But how did I know? Because I wasn't the only one with that power. But it wasn't all a lie. It was a vacation in one way.

"Where?" he shrieked happily, joining me in the pile of clothes.

"Cali!" I said, and looked up at the roof. It was like when we were lying on the meadow, looking up at the sky.

"Awesome." Zach said and got up. "For how long?"

"I don't know." I mumbled. I was probably going to stay there for a long time. Or maybe forever. "I'm going to miss you:"

He nodded. "Me too." He hugged me and we were like that for a while. Soon it was a bit weird being in the same pose for so long so I poked him and he suddenly rolled around with me, still having his arms around me.

"Zach!!!" I yelled, laughing while he was rolling around the partner with me. "It hurts!!!" I screamed and suddenly I heard a bang, as if someone had kicked the door open.

"What the hell is happening here?!" someone yelled and I saw Darrén coming in. He saw us lying on the floor with Zach awkwardly being on top of me, still hugging me.

"What the hell are you doing?!" he yelled. He pushed Zach off. 

"He's joking!" I laughed.

"No respect for girls, huh?" Darrén pushed Zach on his chest, then hit him for fun.

"Says the guy who doesn't even know where his girlfriend is." Zach laughed and hit him back. Soon they were in a fight. After waving them off I started running again. It was time to go. I flied through the streets. I had so much energy stored. It was like letting a bomb blow up.

"Why are you so happy?" someone yelled. I ignored it because I was to busy being happy, but that person was stubborn and kept yelling after me. I heard my name suddenly and collected my attention, seeing that it was Matt.

"I'm going to California!" I yelled to him, as he was standing by his porch.

"Why?" he yelled back to me. It was funny how no one wanted to get up and talk face to face because of our laziness, and instead just yelling so that everyone in the neighborhood could hear.

"Secret!" I grinned and ran past him. He sprinted after me, and it soon became a marathon. We raced, competing each other. I could only be so childish with Matt. I kept running and gave it my all until I heard a big slam. I turned around and saw Matt totally dozed off on the ground as he had hit the tree.

"Matt!!!" I yelled and ran to save him. He was grunting and I knew that he was fine. "Hey... Are you dead?" I asked him, taking a stick poking his arm.

"Stop it..." he groaned.

"Don't go into the light!" I panicked in a sarcastic way.

"Do you still think that I'm a douche?" he suddenly asked, getting me into a serious conversation.

"Yes." I smiled. He wasn't happy to hear it and looked away. "But you're my childhood douche." I chuckled. He looked at me with wide eyes, having hopes in them even though I could see them anyway.

"I'm sorry for everything, Audree."

"I've taken the apology. 80% of it at least."

"Better than zero." he mumbled, but he was still upset.

"You're on the right track." I said. And so was I. 


Happy end? No it'd definitely not the end- Only the end of the chapter! Good night and happy update!





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