Chucks POV
"How long did they date?" Franca asked. "They didn't." I replied. "Oh,hm. I remember Francesco saying something to me about them being together."   "No, they never dated." Man Franca is one hard lady to get along with. "Wonder why they need to talk, alone." She said. "Is it our place to wonder?" Mom said. I tried so hard not to laugh.

Lana's POV
"What's up?"  I asked Blake. "I just wanted to talk to you before the wedding..I can't believe you're actually getting married."   "I know,I'm excited."  "You're not showing at all" Blake said looking at my stomach. "Yes I am, my face has gotten chubby a little." I said laughing. "I can't tell. You're still beautiful and you're going to be with a huge stomach."  

"Thank you." I smiled. "Here, I got you this.." He said handing me a present. "Aw thanks Blake, you didn't have to get me anything."  "Well I didn't get to see you on your birthday so I wanted to give it to you today."  I open the present and see a onesie for the baby, then a little box wrapped in it. I open it and pull out a little voice recorder

"I wanted to get something for the baby and you since I know you've probably just been getting baby stuff for your birthday, it's for when you think of lyrics and can't write them you can show me later and I can make up a melody." He said smiling.

"Aw Blake I love it! Thank you so much." I said hugging him. "You're welcome. Love you Lana."   "I love you too. Thanks again." I smiled. I walk Blake out then sit back down on the couch next to Chuck. "What did he want?" Franca asked. "To give me my birthday present."  "Oh ok."   "What did he give you?" Chuck asked. "A onesie for the baby and a little voice recorder for when I think of song lyrics."  "Aw! That's sweet." Mom said smiling.

"Marina!!!" I yelled running up to her and squeezing her really tight. "Hi babe!! How are you!" Marina says with her cute British accent. "I'm good! I'm so glad you're here!"  "Me too! I missed you so much, sorry I've been so busy."  "It's okay! I get it. Busy with making music."  "Yes very. Where's Chuck?"  "Inside with my mom and Francesco's mom, come on I'll introduce you." I said taking her hand. Marina knows Chuck but she's never met my mom or Francesco's mom...or Francesco lol.

"Marina!" Chuck said standing up and hugging her. "Hey chuckles! You look beautiful" marina said hugging her back. "Thanks love, I'm glad you're here!"  "Me too!"  "Mom,Franca, this is Marina Diamandis, my best friend."   "I've heard so much about you! Nice to meet you." Mom says shaking marina's hand. "Aw thank you, it's so nice to finally meet you as well."  "Hi marina" Franca says. "Nice to meet you ms,Carrozzini." Marina says shaking her hand then Marina sits next to me on the sofa. 

"So you're a singer? Like Lana?" Franca asked. "Yes ma'am, although not as good as Lana."   "That isn't true!" I said. "It is" Marina laughed. "So when do I get to meet this Francesco?" She added. "Tomorrow! You can go see him before the wedding but I can't."   "Okay! Chuck and I will go." Marina smiled. "You'll love him." Chuck said. "I'm sure! He's very very cute" she laughed. "Hey step off my man Diamandis"

After we all went to dinner then talked for a while, Marina and I decide to share a room so we can catch up. She's laying on her bed, then I lay next to her "Fuck I can't even believe you're pregnant."   Marina said staring at my stomach. I can't believe sometimes either." I laughed. "I haven't even met Francesco and you're having his baby!" Marina laughs. "I knowwww. I want you to meet him, tomorrow you can."  

"I'm sure I'll like him. It's just weird that I don't know him."   "Who's fault is that missy? Never wanting to come over" I laughed. "Oh hush! You know I want too. I'm just too busy all the time! But I'll come visit the baby all the time. So he or she will know who I am."   "Okay good! Come on let's get Chuck and gets some drinks! I can't drink...but you guys can! It's my last night not being married."  

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