Everyone got up and moved outside to the pool area.

Jenny kept on getting texts but ignored them all. I wonder who it was, but if it was important she probably would answer it so I desired not to ask her.

Jenny's POV:

I kept getting text from Austin. He wouldn't leave me alone. Ughh, I just wanted to have a good time with my new friends but the whole time I was thinking about Austin and how much he hurt me and what would he do if I saw him again?

Niall would look over worriedly at me every time I got a text but I gave him a fake smile reassuring him everything was okay.

We all sat at a table next to the pool and talked about life.

"So Jenny, tell us a little bit about yourself." Liam nudged me

"Well," I smiled "I am 19 years old, I live here in Londan with my mom and little brother Jake. My dads a workaholic. I currently work at Applebee's, but I love singing and acting, I really want to be an actress. I love eating. I HATE scary movies. I am single, haven't had the best relationships in the past. That's about all I can think of."

"Cool. That's about the same with me except I absolutely love horror movies and are family's aren't the same" he laughed

"That's cool" I smiled

The doorbell rang and Niall jumped out of his seat "PIZZAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" He screamed running towards the door. We all laughed and followed him inside.

Harry paid the pizza delivery guy and Niall brought the 5 large pizza boxes into the kitchen. "Woah, that's a lot of pizza" I said shocked

"It's not enough!" Niall screamed.

"Niall could finish one whole box if we let him." Louis laughed

"Oh gosh" I laughed

We all got a piece and sat down at the table by the window. No one really talked because we were all eating but Harry didn't eat much so he entertained us while we ate.

Once we were all done I thought I should be getting back home.

"Hey guys, can someone drive me back to Applebee's I need to get my car and go home." I said

"Nooooooooo! But whyyyyy?" Louis fake cried

"I'm sorry Louis, I've been here all day. Ill text you ok?" I smiled. He acted like a little kid it was so funny

"Okay" he smiled. I gave all the boys my number and Ella's.

"I drive you!" Liam said

Harry perked up "Ill come too!" He shouted.

They both glared at each other. "Okay, let's go boys" i said.

I gave everyone a hug goodbye and walked out the door. Liam held the passenger door open for me and I stepped in "Why thank you" I smiled

"You're welcome" he smiled back

Harry got in the back and Liam got in the drivers seat.

"BUCKLE UP EVERYONE!" Harry screamed

"Alrighty then" I said as I buckled my seat belt.

"Safety first" Liam agreed

We drove over to Applebee's screaming songs on the radio all the way there.

"I THREW A WISH IN THE WELL DONT ASK ME ILL NEVER TELL!" We all sang at the top of our lungs.

"I hate that song." Liam laughed as he turned off the radio.

"Haha me too" I agreed

We pulled up to Applebee's and as I was unbuckling my seat belt Liam ran over to the passenger side and opened my door. He held out his hand and I took hit generously.

I walked over to my car with the boys following me, "Well I gotta go guys. Byeee"

I hugged Harry first "Alrighty Harry I gotta go" he held on tighter

"But I don't want you too" he whined

"Harry let go!" I laughed

"Fine" he pouted

I walked over to Liam and smiled at him, "Do I get a hug goodbye?" He questioned

"Of course you do." I said as I wrapped my hands around his neck. He picked me up and spun me around. He placed my feet on the ground.

He whispered in my ear, "Text me when you get home okay?"

"Okay" I promised. I pulled away and got in my car.

I waved goodbye and drove out of the parking lot and drove home. When I got home no one was home, my mom was probably with Jake somewhere so I walked upstairs to my room.

I threw my bag on the floor and stool out my phone to text Liam but before I could i heard someone say "Hey babe, why didn't you respond to my texts. I know you read them"

I looked up and saw Austin leaning against my bed post staring at me. "how the hell did you get in my house?!" I yelled shocked

"You're mom the left front door unlocked." He smirked, "So where were you today?"

"None of your business." I snapped back

"No need to have an attitude." He stepped towards me

"Get out of my house" I said. I grabbed my phone and texted Liam

Come over my house now, hurry. I need your help! Here's the address -Jenny

"Who was that?" He asked

"Who was what?" I said scared

"Who did you just text?"

"No one"

He stepped closer "Don't lie to me."

I had my back up against the wall "Get out of my house now! Before I call the cops!"

I run out the door and downstairs, I can hear him chasing me.

"Get the fuck back here!" He screams "I'm not done talking to you!"

Tears start streaming down my face, this is exactly what happened when we were dating. I tried to find somewhere to hide but when I turned around he was there and grabbed my arm.

"Where do you think you're going?" He yelled.

He slapped me across the face and I fell to the floor. Right then Liam burst through the door, "What the fuck do you think you're doing?!?" He screams and punches Austin in the face.

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