Sibling Wars Part 9 - Remember Membering?

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Tricia's POV:

"...We're in WHA-MFPH?!"

"Keep your voice down!" Karen warns me while covering my mouth up. "Your energy down too! If I'm right about this place, then there's soldiers at every corner who can sense... crap!"

She then grabs my hand and yanks me down the street, only stopping once we're behind some buildings and out of view.

In the half a minute that took there were already a dozen or so soldiers called over. We barely had our energy raised to begin with!

And I can sense Netherborn energy coming from every single one.

"I would've been just fine never seeing those Pseudo-Netherborn soldiers again after the Nahkriin War." I grumble.

"They aren't Pseudo-Netherborns. Did you see any energy packs on them, because I didn't." Karen replies before sighing. "We need a plan. Dovah's been captured and we're in the heart of a multi-dimensional empire of my own design."

"So then what the fuck are we waiting for?" I ask. "Let's go get him back! Where is their main HQ or kingdom or whatever at?"

"We aren't just rushing in, Tricia!" She argues.

"Obviously. We're gonna be scouting out the place first, but we don't have time to fuck around here."

"She Beat! Our! Brother!"

"With a cheat item that she has to let go of sometime. She got the drop on us, so now we're gonna get the drop on her and turn her cheat item against her."

"Even if we could, she isn't alone. The security she has there isn't something we can just barge through or sneak by."

"Don't you know the outline of this place already?" I ask, not forgetting her explanation for what this place is to begin with.

"I'm sure the vision this 'me' had has... evolved over the years. What I imagined is a good basis to start with, but we need to do more research. We need to investigate-"

"We don't have TIME to investigate!" I growl at her. "Every second we aren't getting our brother back is another second that bitch is doing Freeman knows what to him! By the time you're done with whatever investigative and undercover bullshit you like doing so much, she's gonna have our brother as her fucking puppet!"

"Okay, what is with you lately, Tricia?" Karen barks back. "I know that your default personality is basically 'monotone sarcastic ass', but you always seem to be worse now whenever Dovah isn't around."

"Oh, like you're one to talk about sucking up to Dovah!" I confronted her. "You don't dare to go against a single thing he says, and yet you always shut me down and take the lead whenever we go on missions and adventures now. We're supposed to be PARTNERS, remember?"

"Well we can't always punch our way through all our problems, now ca-"

"I'm not fucking done yet!" I interrupted her. "And while I'm being blunt with you like I should've been from the fucking beginning, if your so-called 'plans' are anything to go by, then you seem awfully eager about building up organizations when we're supposed to be taking them down!

We might as well fucking join Dark Angel Red while we're at it and become the perfect dark princesses she wants us to be! Is that what you want, Karen? To justify climbing through the ranks by claiming to destroy these groups from within, only to take them over your fucking self and become as bad as they are?!"

"And what would YOU do, huh?!" Karen screams at me, becoming truly angry for the first time in ages.

But I couldn't give less of a crap right now.

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