The Crazy Fifth Madam

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Edwin as a growing child had never lack anything.

He was born with a diamond spoon in his mouth. His existence was among the descendants of a powerful noble family. Servants come scurrying at his beck and call, just to please his needs. Luxurious foods and water had always been served on a silver platter just for him. Best tutors all over the empire came running from their homes just to educate him. His mother had always made sure that he grew up with the best of the best.


In the end, Edwin lacked two things.

His father's utmost attention and the power to prove that he was father's descendant.

Edwin as a growing child had always wanted his father's attention. He didn't want a fleeting one that his mother had always racked her head just to create schemes in order to get his father's eyes. He wanted to be like his elder siblings who had their father's attention without the help of their mothers, especially like his second elder brother.

His second elder brother was one of the most skilled men in swordsmanship in the entire empire, almost the same level as their father.

Since his second elder brother did it too, Edwin thought he could be the same. As though the heavens heard his plea, his swordsmanship was considered very skilled by many.

Even his father praised his swordsmanship and that made Edwin very happy. wasn't enough.

He needed more.

He needed more of his father's attention.

Just like his second elder brother.

His weak fourth sister neither had a powerful noble background like the grand duchess nor noble blood like his mother and other wives of their father.

Yet...she was born, looking exactly like their father.

She was a child of pure blood.

Pure blood that stamped her existence as a true descendant of their father and the Langston family.

Something that he has always wanted in his life. seemed he was never meant to obtain his earnest wish. The weak fourth sister that he always bullied, harassed and even try to kill many times, suddenly slit his throat with the weapon that he looked down on.

That same weapon suddenly ended his life, vanishing his existence like a puff of smoke fading into the atmosphere.

'Why?' That was Edwin's final thought. Why was his less privileged fourth sister born with the power that he and his elder siblings had always desired?

He had even practiced his elemental skill like a crazy person, and yet it wasn't enough to beat the weakest of his family.


A pin-dropping silence fused in the atmosphere of the battle grounds. All eyes were fixed on the black-haired young lady holding up the head of a now dead fourth young master and a dagger. Her clothes were burnt almost leaving no piece on her body.

The grin on her face was wide and bright. Yet one could feel a chill with the sight of splattered blood across that smile.

The appearance of the fourth young lady was certainly different from how she entered the battle grounds.

Not only that, but the whole situation was different from the beginning. The fourth young lady that they were expecting to be dead was alive, and the fourth young master that was just crowned the victor of the life and death battle was now dead.

WRECK THE PLOT!जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें