The Familiarity

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'A lowly blood?' Still fixed on the vibrant eyes exactly like hers, Raven arched an eyebrow, thinking about the person's funny choice of words. Wait a minute...wasn't she a grand duke's daughter? People were supposed to respect her....right?

''Remove your gaze this instant!''

'Who's he?'

The voice similar to the sound of a wailing baby, took Raven's attention from her new elder brother, who was quite attractive to the eyes. Her gaze then landed on the man beside him, and sizing up the average appearance irked her a bit.

She was just marveling at her hot and handsome new elder brother, but this ugly man had to spoil that moment of admiration.

Probably noticing the annoyance in her eyes, the man increased the volume of his voice, and was practically screaming in the hallway. It was as if Raven's stare had flamed the fury in his heart.

''You should be grateful that you are his excellency's daughter!''

''You should also be grateful that you are my young master's youngest sister!''

''If it weren't for what happened years ago, you wouldn't have been born!''

''You are the weakest among the young masters and young mistresses, and you still have the nerve to be prancing around so arrogantly!''

''A disgrace to the Langston family and our ancestors!''

''His excellency is so generous....''

This man, that was still unknown to Raven, kept on screeching in the hallways. His voice was so loud that she did not doubt the people in the dining hall hearing the irritating voice.

Despite the disturbance, no one bothered to stop him around here. Raven sensed the head maid's stare and flicked her eyes to her.

The head maid almost jumped on the spot, not expecting her gaze. She had moved to the side, leaving Izer and the unknown man in Raven's front. She hurriedly avoided Raven's gaze, somewhat feeling guilty and uncomfortable.


The head maid was almost startled at her thoughts. Why was she feeling discomfort because of the weak fourth young lady?

As someone by the Grand duke's side, her hands have been tainted with blood of many. Compared to her, the fourth young lady was someone who always fainted at the sight of a drop of blood.

Yet, she was feeling uncomfortable? The head maid could not fathom her own thoughts. Why exactly did she have this feeling because of someone weaker than herself? Her brows creased together into confusion. Without thinking, the head maid raised her eyes again, and still met the fourth young lady's stare. For some reason, she sensed the latter was amused while staring at herself.

The reason behind that amusement....It was as if the fourth young lady knew her exact thoughts. Was that the reason why she was feeling uncomfortable? Not having an answer, the head maid lowered her gaze, still keeping quiet and keeping her thoughts to herself.

Perhaps she was feeling a little dizzy. She would have to fix up her messy sleep schedule.

''Haha...'' Raven couldn't hold in her small laughter any longer. Just as the head maid thought, her action was quite amusing to Raven. Was someone feeling guilty?

''How could you laugh?! Are you laughing at his excellency and my young master?!"

Oh right. She still needed to deal with him. Raven recalled that she was in the middle of someone admonishing herself.

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