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In the novel Raven had read, there was mention of outwardly and unrealistic abilities.

Sword masters with their channeling core called aura,

Mages with their mana,

Families with their unique and sole abilities,

An example would be the family that she was in, right now.

During the battle of the elite slaves, Raven's eyes had never strayed away from the two opponents. She had noticed how the young boy closed the distance between his face and the other. Her eyes had also been sharp to catch the tiny pause. If it were coming from one elite slave, she would have dismissed as a normal reaction when one was faced with fear, but what if the tiny pause came from the two elite slaves?

All of a sudden, the young boy had snapped out his daze and swiftly pierced his sword through the chest of his opponent. His action was not without hesitation as if he had originally meant to kill and not spare.

''....You do not speak, meaning that I am right.'' Raven distanced herself from him. Her eyes took in the appearance of the kneeling slave. His toned skin color, his youthful handsome face, grey hair and eyes staring at her like a prey vigilantly watching his predator.

Though in this situation, Raven knew who exactly the predator and prey were. But she took a risk. A risk that he wouldn't kill her, because he didn't want to be noticed by anyone.


Seeing that he had no intention of talking about his eyes, Raven moved on to another yet similar topic.

''I didn't ask for that slave to be killed, yet you went ahead to end his little life. Why did you do that, slave?'' Her head tilted a bit as she put forth that question. Raven had to admit she was impressed with his actions, but there was something she needed to know about this new slave of hers.


''Isn't he an innocent one?'' Still not getting a word from the young boy, Raven asked further.

''...He's not innocent...''

''Why do you say so?'' Raven asked, amused yet pleased that she touched a nerve.


'Back to keeping quiet, are we?' Raven mused, then voiced her guesses. ''This was for revenge.'' Her words were not a question but a statement as if she was absolutely sure.

''.....'' The young boy lowered his head in response.

''You know....'' Raven suddenly appeared very close to him again. Her face leveling his, with their breath fanning against each other. ''I hate people like you, slave.'' Her eyes glinted sharply with a sneer eminent on her lips. ''Always holding your inner desires because of something or someone.''

When Raven said 'someone,' the young boy abruptly raised his gaze and she caught the sight of his grey eyes trembling, even if it was for a fleeting moment.

'Ha.' Her sneer turned a tiny smirk. 'Gotcha.'

''My dear slave, all I need from you are your skills....'' Her fingers returned back to his cheeks, leaving warm fleeting touches. ''I have no need for a person held back by another. That person is considered useless to me. I have goals, and I will do anything and make use of anyone to achieve them, slave.''

''.....'' The young boy said no word as he observed the empty eyes of this woman. Before he dared not to use his power of his eyes on her, but now...he was a bit curious. Even if looking into a glimpse of her future was bit risky, he wanted to do it as his life was chained with hers from the start.

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