Twin sisters (1)

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''Fourth sister, your servant really need to know its place. It's evident the lowly thing learned how to be insolent from the master.'' Edwin pointed out his displeasure. At the same time, he did not forget to throw insults at Raven, displaying an arrogant smirk on his lips.

''......'' Still with the same smile on her lips, Raven did not show any discontentment despite being ignored by these siblings of hers after greeting them and showing her goodwill.

'That explains it....' She noticed one of Jane's cheeks that was red and visibly swollen. She didn't need a minute to guess that this was Edwin's handwork.


Raven felt her heart stung by the sight. She didn't know why it was so, she was just uncomfortable....and irritated?

Yes. She felt irritated that Jane, her own personal maid was being man-handled by her cute elder brother, an unruly brat.

''Fourth elder brother is always right. I will speak to my mother and her excellency about Jane.'' Raven said with a sweet smile. However, that smile had a certain chill to it, and Kieran was the first to notice that minority with a glance.

''W-When did I say that you should mention this to her excellency?!'' Edwin, who did not expect his weakling fourth sister to talk back, reacted a bit violently by the mention of the Grand duchess.

His mother had warned to be careful around the Grand duchess after the last family dinner. She explained that his action had caused Grand duchess to be angry at himself and his mother, which was not a good thing.

''But fourth elder brother, it was her excellency who chose the servants for this manor. Jane was also included, and I have always been grateful to her excellency for choosing such faithful servant to serve me.'' All these words were uttered by Raven in her angelic voice. Even if it was a little lie on her part, Raven still put forth her tearful story.

''If fourth elder brother is not pleased with Jane, then I will tell mother to have an audience with her excellency.......''

''When did I say that you should mention this with her excellency?!'' Edwin angrily repeated his question. His fourth sister truly wanted the worst for him.

Still dwelling in anger, Edwin noticed a person behind Raven in the corner of his eye. Seeing the new face, he quickly changed the topic.

''Th-This should be fourth sister's elite slave.'' In an instant, all eyes apart Raven fell on the scrawny boy with a small presence.

''Yes...the slave is, fourth elder brother.'' Raven took her time to give a reply after confirming something from Edwin's words. For him to know that Kieran was her elite slave meant he and his mother had their eyes in the manor.

Rumors might have spread about her choosing an elite slave, but no one would have known his face since she had never allowed Kieran to step out of the manor.

The mother and son were obviously not the only with eyes in the sixth madam's manor.

What is the possibility that all the few servants in the entire manor were spies for others? A hundred percent possibility.

Now Raven began rethink the little lie she narrated to Edwin. Perhaps the Grand duchess wasn't the only one with her spy. Other wives would have surely found a way to include their own.

Lily might be the only exception since she loyally belonged to the sixth madam. 

But Jane.....

'All the more reason to remove her from my sight.' Raven was more firm with her decision to replace Jane.

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