A new life

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''It's a miracle, that fourth young lady is alive.''

''I thought the fourth young master used his aura.''

''Fourth young lady does look like his excellency. She and the second young master have the purest blood, but she's the weakest of his excellency's children.''

''I wonder when the sixth's madam will visit the fourth young lady....so sad.''

''The heavens must be on fourth young lady's side to be alive till now.''

''I hope the fourth young lady awakens that power soon...''

Shut up.

Chaos wanted to tell that person speaking to keep quiet. She also wanted to detach the vocal cord from the person's neck. Their voice was too loud for her ears.

She really wanted to shut that person's mouth. But...for some reason, her lips couldn't move to utter her thoughts. Her hands couldn't do her will. It was as if something dense was stopping her from lifting any part of her body.

Her eyes were also the same. No matter what, she couldn't lift them up to see what was going on outside her dark world.

''Fourth young lady, this maid hopes you wake up soon.'' The person's words were becoming faint as if the distance between were reducing until Chaos heard nothing no more.


Chaos's eyes fluttered open, getting the blurry view of a ceiling. Her dark long lashes went up and down several times until the blurry view became one and clearer. Her eyes were fixed on ceiling noticing that it was a bit faded.

When Chaos tried to breathe through her nose, she noticed that it seemed clogged and stuffed up. What was wrong with her?

Chaos slowly rose up on the bed, taking in the appearance of the room. Something moist slipped from her forehead to the pillow, and her eyes turned down, sighting a damp white towel.

Did she have a fever? That could explain why the airway of her nose seemed blocked.

The sound of a door opening attracted Chaos's attention, and she saw a young woman entering the room with bowl of water. From her weird-looking black and white uniform, Chaos could tell she was some sort of maid, and the same maid from her new and foreign memories.

''Young lady!'' The brown eyes of maid lit up at the sight of her. After closing door, the young maid quickened her foot steps in her direction, and a wide and relieved grin made its way to her face.

''This maid is very happy that young lady has awaken.'' The maid took the damp white towel and folded it on the edge of the bowl. The smile on her face was so warm in contrast to the blank stare from Chaos.


''Is young lady's temperature normal now? This maid was almost scared to death.'' The maid dropped the bowl on the nightstand close to the bed, and raised her hand to touch Chaos's forehead.

''Don't touch me.'' Staring at the hand coming towards her, Chaos's gaze went dark as she tilted her body, allowing the hand that wanted to touch her fall on the bed.

The maid froze, stunned at first, and then somewhat confused. ''Young lady....'' She took her hand from the bed and quickly apologized with a bow. ''Please pardon this maid. This maid only wanted to check the young lady's temperature.'' However, her mind was in a state of confusion. Why did her young lady seem a little different?

''I'm okay.'' Chaos murmured, looking around the room. She didn't mean anything bad. She only hated the feeling of people's skin crawling on her.

'I can't believe I am in someone's body.' Chaos recalled the memories that were not of hers. They belonged to the body that her soul currently resides in.

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