A World or A Novel?

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'I wonder what happened?'

Raven recalled the sight of that man strangling himself. Did he want to kill himself? Not that she was complaining, but he should have asked her for an assistance with his death. It was a favor she could have done for him, since his voice was quite annoying to her ears.

The only thing she did was stab his knee with a cutlery knife she stole from the meals delivered to her room in the sixth madam's manor. Well...she didn't steal knife technically. She only kept it with her for safety reasons. Anyway, she took her revenge. There was no need to include that man in her thoughts anymore.

Still keeping the smile on her lips, Raven disregarded the absurd image of Jerald strangling himself from her mind. At the same time, she felt the stinging gazes on the side of her face. No one had to tell her that the obvious gazes belonged to her new family.

Before Raven turned her head to face them, she sensed something flying towards her at a fast momentum. Trusting on her instincts, she turned her body to side and something smashed on the door behind her.


The loud sound of plates breaking rang in her ear. Raven glanced at the broken pieces dropping and clattering on the floor.

A fleeting smirk hung on Raven's lips as she turned her gaze to the long dining table where her new family sat for the family dinner. Her eyes landed first on the little boy boldly standing, his arms folded on his chest with an unapologetic smirk. His action seemed to be announcing that he was the one who fling the plate at her. He appeared to be proud of that fact and not seeming sorry that Raven, his youngest sister, would have been injured or died by that plate.

'What an arrogant cutie.' Raven's smile returned to her lips. This was the apparent reason why she took that cutlery knife without Jane's knowledge. From the memories of the original owner, if the older siblings ignored her, this particular boy was the one who tormented her.

As for the reason why, the original owner did not know.

However, Raven had a guess. Staring at his conceited self with the glee in his eyes, Raven felt the latter must have enjoyed toying with the weak original owner.

Like a cunning fox playing with its prey before devouring it to death. The fear of the original owner must have fed the ego of this little boy in her front.

How did she know? Well...she was the same. Toying with her preys before they eventually die by her hands was one of many things she absolutely loved most in the world.

Raven then shifted her gaze to her other siblings, who sat still as if nothing took place in the room just now. Two girls who looked the same threw gloating glances at her, while the rest of her siblings kept to themselves. Even the servants in the room stood still like statues. Their gazes forward, not looking at the shattered plate or herself.

This had happened to the original owner several times. No one spoke up for her at times like this. They just kept quiet, as if they were blind to her bad times.

'What an interesting family.' Raven was very certain that her time in this world won't be a waste of her new life.

''You gave such a warm welcome to this younger sister, fourth elder brother'' Raven's sweet and soft voice rang out in the quiet room. Her body turned to face the dining table, and her feet slowly took a step and another, closing the distance between herself and her new cutie of a brother. Her eyes deeply fixed on this child, silently contemplating and calculating what punishment would be a good lesson for him to learn.

What was the best way for a prey like herself to tame her cute elder brother, the cute fox?

''W-What?'' Raven's smile widened at the sight of his confusion. He probably wondered why she, the original owner in his eyes, was not crying and trembling in terror? Or why she talked back? The original owner was never one to talk back. She only lowered her head with fear emitting from her trembling body.

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