The Age of Succession

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'Turns out it wasn't only soup.'

Still with her new family, Raven stared at the half-eaten dessert in her front. At the moment, she was eating the last meal on the four-course dinner. The sharp tips of her fork slipped into the fluffy and creamy dessert, then went into her mouth.

'Is this pie?' Raven blissfully munched on her dessert to her heart's content. Right now, she felt that any of her new family members could kill her, because her taste buds have been thoroughly satiated.

'Delicious!' Raven happily enjoyed her dinner. A moment ago, she was really stupid for forgetting about the original memories. At the sight of that plain chicken soup, she suddenly freaked out because she hadn't eaten a good meal since she entered this world of that novel.

During her illness, Jane had fed her nutritional soups, and disgusting bitter medicines that entirely disrupted her taste buds. Raven had known that if she didn't want to die early because of her stupid weak body, she had to be obedient and take that medicine.

Now, she could say that coming to see her new family was not a waste of time. If only she was allowed to moan, she would have and enjoyed her meal in a more unrestricted way and without etiquettes.

Well...this was definitely better than nothing.


Raven's ear was working more than enough to catch that light sound. It seemed her cute elder brother was not enjoying the flowery atmosphere around herself. It wasn't her fault that she couldn't fix her expression the same as their own. They all looked like half-dead human beings during this dinner.

Raven briefly stared at her left, watching everyone eating their meal. She couldn't tell if they liked the meal or not, as they kept quiet and ate like nothing mattered to them. Though she knew this was how the family dinner would be, it was entirely different when experiencing what was from the original owner's memories.

''Fourth young lady, you seem to be enjoying yourself.''

This woman....

Raven's eyes shifted to the fifth madam, not knowing what to think about someone who did not want to leave her alone.

'And I can't kill her because of this body.' Raven inwardly sighed in frustration. Being weak was something she vowed never to go through again. Unexpectedly, her promise was broken because of her current situation.

''.....'' Raven stared straight at the fifth madam, with no intention of saying a word. Her obvious silence was a humiliation for the fifth madam. It made the woman look as if she was someone purposely looking for trouble in the peaceful family dinner.

''F-Fourth young lady, your attitude is quite strange. In the past, you were always dull. Do forgive me if I overstepped my boundaries.'' Fifth madam was quick to her defense. She also didn't forget to add the always-quiet woman beside her. ''Sixth sister, don't you think so? Fourth young lady really looks different today.''

''....'' The sixth madam kept quiet as always, with no intention of giving her reply.

'Wow.' The fifth madam troublesome-self really expanded Raven's knowledge of the word 'shameless.' She had never met a shameless person like this woman. Well...she had many in her former life, but this was a first in this life.

'Still no answer.' Raven glanced at the sixth madam, eating quietly like she was in her own world, not paying mind to the annoying fifth madam. Done with her dessert, Raven set her fork on her empty plate. She was about to wipe the non-existent crumbles from her lips, but the fifth madam targeted her again, probably displeased that she was ignored.

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