Red Light District

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''Come over here beautiful! Let this master satisfy ya desires!" The slurring voice of drunk man surpassed the music coming from the dainty thin hands gliding across the strings of the bronze lute.

''Does master want more wine....'' A soft alluring tone clearly belonging to a female followed after the drunk man. The bells around her thin waist jingled, in line with the music as she lowered herself to the eye-level of the drunk man.

''...or does master want something this lady right here?'' Her eyes and her glossy lips had a certain appeal, drawing in many temptations from the nearby men sitting around the round wooden table.

The eyes of the drunk man zoned on the well-exposed cleavage of her chest, and his tongue darted out, slithering over his lips. Lust was well-evident in his eyes, and his protruding lower part was a good evidence of that.

'' understand the thoughts of this master, beauty.''

Similar situations of the drunk man and the lady could be found on several tables in the room. The smell of wine and perfume embedded in the atmosphere of the room, making it a normal scent for the customers who visit in the late night.

The late-night customers were entirely males, and the servers attended to their every needs were females, more precisely bewitching courtesans adorn in the skimpy see-through clothes made out of quality silk.


''Ugh...hey watch it!'' At the front door, a drunk man yelled over to a figure hidden behind black robe. Unfortunately for him, the mysterious figure paid him no mind and continued his journey further into the enticing atmosphere.

'' ~Hello handsome master...'' A courtesan made her way over the mysterious figure. Every light steps and twisting of her waist exuded a countenance of seduction. The pink silk gauze around her body trailed her after movement. Her perfume lingered in the air, turning several heads in her direction.

''It is fate that brought you to this place.'' Her arm hooked around the arm of the mysterious figure. ''Does master want be entertained in the general room or...'' On her toes, she whispered, leaning close to the mysterious figure and pressing her chest against his shoulder. ''..... in a private room with beauties like myself?''

''....Private.'' A reply came from the mysterious figure.

''Right this way, my dear master.'' A closed-lipped smile appeared on the courtesan's lips as she settled back on her two feet. Her eyes briefly took in the outfit of the mysterious figure before she turned around to lead the person to a private room.

Walking through the middle of the many courtesans and flushed drunk men high in ecstasy, grey eyes took short glances at every corner as they entered a less noisy hallway with many double doors.

*giggle* *giggle*

''Master, you haven't touched here.''

''Allow this lady to pleasure master.''

''Over here, master.'' In the midst of the giggles and obscene words, the courtesan called out softly, standing by a room, and sliding a door to the side.

''.....'' The mysterious figure made his over and noiselessly stepped into the room. The door slid to a close, blocking out every sounds from the outside.

''~ Master.....'' Arms hovered over the shoulders of the mysterious figure from behind and settled on his chest. ''Before the beauties come, why don't we have some fun, master?'' Her voice whispered, close to the head of the mysterious figure.


Not getting a reply, the courtesan did not give up, and made her way over to the front of the mysterious figure. Her hands once again settled on his chest, her fingers rubbing themselves on, every now and then.

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