The outcome

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Without waiting for the last word to be completed, sharp blades of swords clashed against each other, making a sharp scraping sound in the quiet battle grounds. The impact of the clashing blades was so much, that the two elite slaves bounced back to their original position, crouching in their fighting stance with the swords in their hands ready strike once more. Their eyes fixed on each other, studying and looking for their opponent's weak points.

As the slaves studied each other, one of them silently mouthed to the other with a haughty tug on the corner his chapped lips.


''.....'' The receiver of those words, which was the young boy, did nothing in response. He already expected these words, as it wasn't his first time hearing them. For a moment, the grip around the sword loosened, but a faint voice whispered in his ear.

'You must survive, Kieran. No matter what life throws at you, you must survive. Don't be like your pathetic dying mother, my son.'

''.......Tsk.'' The young boy released that inaudible sound, knowing that he couldn't avoid this battle as he had always done in slave castle. His opponent would surely kill him, even if no one said anything about death. 

When that realization dawned on him, his blaming eyes slid over to the side, where the cause of this battle sat leisurely watching him and his opponent with an amused smile.

Their eyes met, and the young boy suddenly thought of the rumors that he heard about her, the fourth young lady of the Langston family.

'I heard she's a weak lady.....rumors can't be really trusted.' What he heard was really different from who he was looking at.

'How does she know?' He questioned himself. Despite his weak presence and physique, he was still picked and that was not his goal. Why wasn't she the same as the other Grand duke's children who had ignored him?

Sensing the danger heading his way, the young boy took his eyes away, and the sound of swords clashing sounded in his ear again. His eyes then landed on his opponent who was gritting his teeth in struggle.

'Should I win? If I win, I might die again and mother would not like that.' The young boy was in deep thoughts while the sword in his hand clashed against his oppressor's. Unlike him, the oppressor was an opposite of his calm state.

'If I purposefully drop my sword, the commander and other knights will know. Unfortunately for me, the fourth young lady is interested and watching. If I try to pull any tricks, the Grand duke will be informed....' The young boy knew he was at disadvantage. There was nothing he could to do, other than exposing his true strength. If only the fourth young lady was not interested in him.

'I have no choice.' While keeping his opponent in check by overpowering his strength, the young boy took a deep breath and closed his eyes for a fleeting moment. The second he opens them, his life would drastically change and he might not keep his promise to his late mother anymore.

But...he has no choice, unless he would die right here.

All of a sudden, the opponent felt a shiver travel down his back. The bead of sweat on his forehead multiplied, and his shoulder down to his arm began to tremble. Glancing around, he found no source of danger. The knights and the commander were also watching them, meaning that there was nothing dangerous around them.

So why was he feeling this way? Why was his body telling him to flee? To flee away from what?

That question was easily answered when he brought his gaze back to the figure smaller and weaker than himself. The moment his eyes collided with those grey eyes, everything around him faded into nothing but an empty and blank space.

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