Part 36: Cutie Pie Ryan

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A few minutes passed and Ryan pulled her even closer, snuggling into her neck. At this moment, Amara was practically holding her breath, afraid to make a noise. Just then she heard Ryan whisper into her ear "You're awake, aren't you?" She was quiet but he observed her eyes blink. He smirked and started snuggling into the nape of her neck, inhaling her scent. Ryan started leaving wet kisses all over her neck and shoulders but still there was no reaction from Amara. Yet, he could feel her shaky breaths on his arm which was wrapped around her waist, just below her chest. "Drop the act, doll." He knew just what to do to let her do so. Ryan started sucking on her sweet spot on her neck and this time there was a reaction. Amara let out a loud gasp and opened her eyes wide, looking at him. Ryan's smirk grew even wider as he looked at her and spoke "Hey there, doll." "Wh-what are you doing..?" "Didn't I ask you to sleep?" "I am trying to sleep now." Saying, Amara closed her eyes. "Judging the way your body's reacting to me, it doesn't seem like you can fall asleep anytime soon." He was talking about Amara's hardened nipples, which were peeping out of her lingerie. Amara pulled up the sheets upto her neck and looked away with a slight blush covering her face "It's just hormones." Ryan let out a chuckle which sounded so seductive to Amara. "Okay let's blame it on your hormones." Ryan hovered above her, making sure not to put all his weight on her as she isn't in the condition. Amara instantly widened her eyes. Before she could utter a word, he groaned "First you made me look at your goddess like body. And when I was about to taste you after years, you got periods. I don't blame you for that. Later then you came out of the shower in this sexy looking red lingerie. Don't you think your punishing me too much?" And again before she could speak, he sealed her lips with his. He kissed her slow, enjoying the taste of her kiss. Soon, Amara closed her eyes and began to kiss him back. Ryan didn't look like he was in a hurry for her. He got up and sat straight, pulling her into his lap. He made her sit diagonal to him. Amara wiggled in his lap to sit comfortably but Ryan let out a small growl and held her hips "Don't make me hard once again when you can't take me." Amara somehow felt this was so cute. He was acting like a spoiled brat. She held his face in her palms and give him a peck on his lips. "Not enough." Ryan pouted and Amara couldn't help but laugh at how he was behaving "Where did the great Mr. Ryan Stone go?" Ryan pulled her even more closer so they noses were booping with each other. Amara placed her palms on his chest to maintain some distance between them. "The great Mr. Ryan Stone disappeared as soon as he held his girl in his arms. Now gimme another kiss!" Amara  laughed even more that her eyes were filled with water. Ryan who was acting all cute till then stopped as he was looking at her with a smile on his face. Once she was done laughing she asked "What?" "Please keep laughing like this forever." Ryan gently kissed her forehead and her smile grew even bigger. A moment later, Amara started yawning and rubbing her eyes "I'm tired." "Let's sleep." Amara nodded and was about to move away from Ryan's lap but he held her waist and stopped her. She looked back at him and raised an eyebrow. "My kisses?" With a huge grin, Amara held his face and kissed him all over his face until Ryan giggled. She kissed his forehead, eyes, nose, cheeks, lips and chin. "Can we sleep now Mr Stone? It's already 2 in the morning." Ryan let out a small chuckle "Yes we can." Turning off the lights, both of them fell asleep in each other's embrace. 

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