Part 27: Rock vs Melody

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The next day..

Amara and Ryan left the base as they had to go back to their city and back to their normal lives. On their way back, they started bickering over whether they should play rock music or play melody music. "Ryan we've been over this. You know that I hate melodies." "And you know that I can't drive with that nonsense." "Then hand over the steering to me." She smirked. Now there was no way he would disagree for rock music. He looked at her and stopped the car. Getting down the car, he was looking around for something. She too got down "What are you looking for?" He picked up a stone and threw it onto the music player. "What the fuck are you doing?!" The music player went off indicating it's damaged. He got into the car and winked at her "Now we don't need to fight over which music to play." "You're unbelievable!" She got into the car and they drove off. When they were an hour away, Ryan's phone rang. He didn't seem to pay attention to it but that constant ringing was bothering her. She decided to see who it was. Her expression changed after seeing the caller's name but she controlled it. She put the phone back."Who was it?" "Lara." "Mhmm. Okay." No one uttered anything else. Ryan dropped her home and left after greeting her parents. 

It was late at night. Ryan ate dinner with his family and sat down on the bed. Just then his phone buzzed, indicating that he got a text. He opened it only to see Amara's name. A small smile replaced his cold face and he opened it. It read: 

"Why is Lara still in contact with you?" 

Ryan chuckled and replied: "Why? Are you jealous?" 

"What? No! But now that you have a fiancée you should stop contacting your ex."

"I thought we're getting married just for our benefits?" 

"Don't contact her again. Goodnight."

He smiled at her text and replied "Goodnight!"

Turning off his phone his phone he laid down on his bed. He smiled at the thought of him getting married to Amara. "She would look pretty in a wedding dress. When was the first time she called me by my name? Oh right. At the base. She looked really stunning that day." Ryan drifted off to sleep with Amara's thoughts.

On the other side of the city, Amara was twisting and tossing around the bed, unable to sleep. "Why would Lara call him? I mean, does she know that we're getting married? That bitch! This guy looks so fucking hot that everyone will drool over him. But he really looks really- No no. Get a grip over yourself Amara. Remember that you're getting married only for benefits." No matter how much she tried, Ryan's thoughts didn't seem to get out of her mind. So she put music to distract her mind. 

After some time a certain song started to play which reminded her of Ryan again. "He loves this song doesn't he?" She chuckled. "That day he forced me to listen to this song and even added it to my playlist." After listening to half of the song she thought to herself  "Well, melody music is not that bad. Wait- Music! Music player! He broke the music player in his car! Fuck! It's worth over a million. I shouldn't have fought with him over music." She face palmed herself and called her assistant, Sam. 

"Are you asleep?" 

"No boss. I just got home. What is it?" 

"Were you at the office this late?" 

"Yes boss. Do you need something?" 

"The music player in Ryan's car is broken. Pick the car up tomorrow and get it fixed."

"Yes boss. I'll get it done in a day." 

Cutting the call, Sam sighed. "Even I don't want to work this late. But you make me work my ass off. What can I do?" He unlocked the door and walked in. Just then he got a text from his boss. 

Boss: "Don't work late. Get an off this weekend." 

Sam smiled. "The cold lady's finally given me an off after 2 years." He thanked his boss and prepared his food. 

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