Part 35: Be a Good girl

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After speaking a word he cut the call and walked towards her "Just wait for a minute." Amara nodded her head. A minute later, someone knocked on the door. Entering into the room, the female staff walked over and handed out clothes and sanitary pads to Amara. Once the staff left Ryan insisted that she takes a shower. Amara nodded and took a shower. As soon as he heard the shower turn off, he wanted to go in and check on her but he knew that she needed some time so Ryan stood outside though his head was insisting that he goes inside and see how she's doing with that pain. A little while later Amara opened the door and walked out. Ryan who just saw her, couldn't believe his eyes. She was wearing a sexy red lingerie that exposed more than half her chest and barely managed to cover her mid thighs. With her hair still wet from the shower, she looked breathtakingly arousing. He was practically drooling over her body. Ryan exhaled through his mouth and told himself 'Control yourself Ryan. She's in pain.' Seeing him stare at her for long, Amara awkwardly let out a cough. Walking towards her, Ryan gently held her cheek with his hand. "Are you still in pain?" Amara rested her cheek on his palm and closed her eyes "No the pain went down now as I took medication earlier." "Mhmm good. Rest for now." He bend town to lift her up in his arms and carry her to the bed. But Amara held his hand to stop him "I can walk now." "Be a good girl and let me do my job. It's my duty to take care of my wife when she's not feeling well." And before she could say anything more, she was already in air. Her short dress went up even further and she held her dress down in a reflex to prevent it from moving up. Once they reached the bed, he put her down on the bed and covered her with sheets. "I'll be back soon. Sleep." Instructing, Ryan bent forward and kissed her cheek. Walking into the restroom, Ryan undressed himself and stood under the cold shower. He started thinking of how alluring Amara looked after he made out with her. With dark red hickeys all over her neck, collarbones, chest, shoulders and stomach, she looked even more appealing. Then his mind was distracted to the time when she walked out of the shower and that sight made his member throb in desire. Ryan ran his fingers through his hair to clear his thoughts about her but it didn't seem to help. After a couple of minutes, his hands found their way to his lower body and he began to breath heavily. On the outside, Amara was wide awake thinking about what he said earlier 'It's my duty to take care of my wife when she's not feeling well...My wife...he called me his wife.' Those words resounded in her head again and again. He said it so casually as if they were already married for so long. She touched her cheeks which were hot as fire and convinced herself "I'm not feeling well, that's it. It's just hormones. I'm not blushing." But somewhere in her heart she felt some weird sensation when he called her his wife. Hearing the door open, Amara closed her eyes and pretended to have fallen asleep. Walking towards the closet, he grabbed a pair of track pants and put them on before getting into the bed. Ryan gently pulled her closer and back hugged her before closing his eyes. Amara on the other hand couldn't fall asleep because of Ryan's hot breath on her bare shoulder. On top of that, he was shirtless and his half naked body was touching her back which was really distracting. A few minutes passed and Ryan pulled her even closer, snuggling into her neck. 

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