Part 29: Intrusive Thoughts

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Their next destination was Wood Industries. It was on the other side of the city and almost 40 minutes away. All this time Ryan sat with a grumpy face. He tried to ask where they were taking him but they simply said it's a surprise. As they arrived and got down, Sam walked towards them and bowed to them. Crystal looked at Jake. "Your turn now, remember?" As he looked at the top floor of the building, a shiver passed through his skin. He was always goofy around his sister. But when it comes to work, she's a devil. Bringing her out of her office? And that too when she has all the projects lined up? Next to Impossible. He sighed "I'll try." Just when he was about to go, he was stopped by Ryan. "I'll go get her." "HUH?!" both Crystal and Jake almost coughed up blood. "You don't want me to?" Jake's eyes instantly brightened up. He hugged Ryan "Oh my brother in law! I'm so grateful to you! I love you!" Jake was about to peck his cheek when Ryan pushed his away and left. Jake who was on the floor was almost in tears. Crystal offered her hand, asking him to get up  "Are you okay?" Jake accepted her hand and got up. He hugged Crystal and said "YOUR BROTHER IS THE BEST!!!" Crystal instantly turned red. "Okay okay! Let me go!! People are watching!"

In Amara's office..

Amara heard a knock on the door. "Come in." He walked in and stood there. She thought it was Sam as no one else could enter that floor. He looked at her quietly. She was the same as him when it came to work. The way she sat with a poker face. The way she didn't blink. The way her eyes didn't leave her computer screen even once, he doubted if she was his long lost sister. The thought itself horrified him. Shaking his head to get rid of his intrusive thoughts, he looked at her once again. Seeing that he wasn't speaking anything she questioned "What is it Sam?" All this time her eyes didn't leave the computer screen even for a moment. He silently walked toward her. She got annoyed that he wasn't speaking anything and looked up. "What is- RYAN?!" He stood in front of her with and smiled. Turning her chair away from the table, he made her face him. "Hey there doll." "What the fuck are you doing here?!" He rested his hand on the handle of her chair and held her chin with another. He leaned forward so that his face was right in front of hers. "Ryan, what are you doing here?!" "I came here cuz I missed you, doll." "Wha-" "Shh! You talk too much." Without letting her say another word, He sealed her lips. She tried to push him away. His hand which was holding her chin moved to the back of her head to keep her in place. Unable to resist herself, she closed her eyes and kissed him back. His hands moved through her hair and undid her bun, letting her hair fall down onto her shoulder. After a moment, he pulled away. Amara opened her eyes and looked at him. Looking at her confused face, he smirked. Observing his smirk she pushed him away. With the same smirk plastered over his face he leaned onto the table. Exhaling out she regained her composure and looked at him. In the mean time, he pulled out his phone, typed a quick message and put it back in his pocket. "What are you doing here?" "I came to pick you up." "What?" "Hurry up now. We don't have all day." She looked dead into Ryan's eyes. "I'm not coming out of here till I finish my work." Ryan's smirk grew even bigger. "Is that so, doll?" He simply walked towards her, lifted her up and threw her over his shoulder. "Ryan put me down!!!" She started hitting his back. He didn't care about her protest and held her firmly to not let her get out of his grip. Instead he simply walked towards the door. "Ryan there's staff outside!!" As if he turned deaf, he opened the door and walked out. And to Amara's surprise, there was no one in the floor. He walked towards the elevator which only Amara used. When the lift reached 5th floor Amara finally bulged. "Fine! I'll come with you so put me down!!" He put her down. She gave an angry glare at him and hit his chest. "Where the fuck are you taking me?" He held her hand and kissed her palm. "Your smacks won't do anything to me doll. They're as light as a feather." She pulled her hand back and turned around, folding her arms. 

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