Part 17: Missing the lost one

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The engagement came to an end. The wedding date was decided. It is on the 17th of next month. Once everyone dispersed the Stone and Wood families went to their respective houses.

That night...
Wood residency

Amara was sitting on the bed after shower, looking at the ring on her finger which Ryan put on her. She couldn't believe she is going to get married in less than a month. Then she would have to move out of her house. Not like she wasn't used to being away from her home. During her missions she had been away from home for several weeks but this was new. She would be a married woman in a couple of weeks. She never thought she would get married to someone who she had a past with. Just then she heard a knock on her door which brought her out of her thoughts. "Come in." It was Jake. It was weird because he never knocked. His habit was to walk in directly saying 'Sis I'm coming in!' "Brother?" "I got you something." Saying he pulled her over to the mirror and made her stand in front of it. He pulled a chain from his pocket and gave it to her. It had a small pendant. "This.." she gasped and tears formed her eyes as she realised that pendent shape. The pendent was carrying a small snowflake. He took the chain from her hands and put it on her neck saying "Its the memory of Ivy." Ivy. It's been so long since she's heard that name. She started crying as soon as her brother put the chain on her. Jake said nothing but gently hugged her, patting her back to comfort her. After a few minutes she calmed down. "I'll leave you alone for sometime." Saying, he left her room. She looked in the mirror, at the chain which had a snowflake. Amara went to the bathroom to wash her face and regain her composure. 

The Next Day...

After the next day of engagement, both the Wood and Stone industries have been busy with their projects. The staff had to work extra hours as their bosses' wedding is soon and they would probably get fired if they didn't finish the project by then. Amara and Ryan were super stressed. One side, their wedding was running towards them in ultra speed. Second, They need to go on their mission before Lucin leaves the country. Third, their project partners are waiting for the projects. Amara and Ryan met after the office hours to discuss about the mission they needed to go to tomorrow. They sent away Sam and Noah even though they insisted to stay back. Amara was sitting in her president chair and tapping her feet to the wooden floor while waiting for Ryan. He walked in with a pack of cigarettes and 2 cups of coffee. She looked at him and signalled him to sit on the couch. He did and got up to sit on the other end of the couch. Ryan opened a laptop from his briefcase and they started discussing about the mission the had tomorrow. After 2 hours of discussion, 1 pack of cigarettes and around 4 cups of coffee, they finally figured out their plan of action. Both Ryan and Amara sighed and leaned back on the couch with a severe headache after all the discussion about their mission. After a minute, Amara opened her eyes and looked at Ryan who still had his eyes closed. She moved forward and held his tie, which was loosely hanging on his shirt's collar. He opened his eyes and looked at her opening his mouth to question her.  But before he could, Amara caught his tie and walked over to sit on his lap. He was quite surprised to see this as Amara never Took the lead ever in those past years. Before he could question her, she kissed him.

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