Naked Ape - Prologue Part 2 - Plance.

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Heads Up: I'll still do sign langued sentences by Shiro/apes in italic. 

FUCK talking things out. 

Shiro is never giving such advice to his sister ever again if she deems someone a "jerk" from the first meeting. 

He's tried being the bigger person, tried talking things out calmly in hopes to get along peacefully 

But Sven wanted no part of talking things out peacefully, he was the current Alpha and he proved it to all their fellow apes while they were released into the huge open play room.

Shiro had slept horrible the night before, he was wet and shivering throughout the night. And entering the play room to gain new friends and try to live peacefully with his fellow apes was the only bright side he had. 

But as soon as he started to wonder around the open room, take in where everyone else seemed to play or relax. Sven had leaped at him and attacked. Chasing him all over the place without mercy. Every other ape cheering their "leader" on as he showed his strength and reason to stand in charge over them all. 

And the ape ripped his shirt apart and straight from his back, his mother is going to be so mad.

One more, Shiro would like to say, FUCK talking things out with others. 

He'll never give that advice again to anyone. 

And next time Katie cries over a bully, Shiro's cheering her on to bite them. 

Shiro did spot a few others from a distance.

He saw an Bornean Orangutan who sat on the fake rocks by the painted sun on the wall. 

An gorilla locked away in an cage within the play room, Iverson, engraved on a plaque.

But most of the captivity was filled with Bonobos and Chimpanzees. 

He'd hope that maybe once he wasn't the new kid on the block, maybe he'd be able to gain some friends or find some form of truce while he stays with them all. 

He's also learnt that Sven, an Bonobo, can hit really, really hard and fights dirty. Like throwing metal petrol cans at Shiro's head and bashing him with it before fighting with his limbs afterwards. 

If Shiro knew that the guy wasn't full of germs, he'd let Katie bite the guy twice. 

Thankfully Shiro was saved from being brutally and ruthlessly beaten to death by the mean handler shooting both Sven and him with tranquilizer sedative dart. Shiro didn't understand why he got shot with Sven but he was too busy falling into a drugged sleep. 

Later that night, after supper, Shiro had himself slumped himself against his caged room's door, knowing it was locked and wouldn't ever be opened unless the handlers were taking him somewhere alone. 

And that's how Shiro found himself staring straight at the Bornean Orangutan who had been staring at Shiro none stop since he finally woke up from his drugged sleep. Another Chimpanzee, placed in the cell beside the bornean orangutan was also keenly staring at Shiro.

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