Please Don't Leave - Part 2 - Kidge.

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A Part Two over this very old oneshot has been requested by the wonderful voltxon.

(Please allow the tagging to work today)

Heads Up: This oneshot is very old and mostly forgotten over so, can't promise how smoothly the storyline will go to try and make it carry on. It's been a few years since I did this idea for the oneshot and I'm mostly guessing as I write lol. 

Side Note: I also wanna say that I never noticed how tiny/limited my fanart collection over Kidge was back in those early days. I was always just randomly using one since I didn't have much to use. Compared to now where I actual try to find fanart that would suit the story itself or be closed to it. 

As well as I've noticed just how much my titles sucked. They truly sucked in those early days, still do a little now. But I never noticed how bad at titles I was until you re-read a little. 

Link to Part One:




As much as three of the five ex paladins wanted to have a private chat with Keith and deal with him personally. Mostly Lance and Hunk wanting to teach the guy a lesson for hurting their best friend, more so now they learnt why the break up had happened. Shiro wanting to speak to his brother, stood disappointed over the break up and upset with his brother's behaviour but was willing to allow Keith to speak his side of the story as well. 

Lance was a bit freaked out and confused over how he was blamed as the affair partner between Keith and Pidge. Sure, he and Pidge spent a lot of time on face calls while she was out in space but he did the same with Hunk and Shay never accused Hunk on cheating with her on him. Lance felt a bit, guilty and angry over being blamed for the break up by Keith assumed Pidge cheated on the mullet guy with him. It was insulting that Keith thought so badly over both Pidge and him.

But the three males allowed themselves to be dragged away by both Matt and James. Knowing Pidge needed to speak with Keith alone after she had tucked Star into the guest bedroom, leaving the four year old to happily dance among the lands of dreams. Cosmo left curled at the end of the bed Star was sleeping on, already attached to the girl and hinting to Keith that his daughter was truly his. 

James, having stopped as he started shooing the others away, announced he was happily married to his wife and held twin sons with her. Making it VERY CLEAR he was nothing more than a workmate and a friend to Pidge. Knowing he and Keith's held a rivalry almost all their lives and did NOT want to be dragged into his rivals relationship mess. 

Matt casually mentioning that he knew how to "fix" ship overnight to earn it to fail in flying once taking off and having the piolt die a terrible death within space where no help could rush to any distress signals. But Matt being an Holt also mentioned that the distress signal would fail to send out a signal anyway since he'd be making sure Keith was never able to hurt his little sister again. 

Shiro, Hunk and Lance sulked as they were dragged around without a chance to say something themselves while the other two got to do it. 

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