Baby Rover - Part 3 - Shidge.

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Side Note: I'm just gonna call them by their names instead of the he/she bit. 


Katie wasn't proud over being captured by the empire and shoved into a cell but she'd prefer that she was caught alone than with the child. She knew she could buy the Mandalorian a few extra minutes to get the child far away from this planet as long as she stayed silent to the stormtroopers before her. 

They still assume she has the child close by. That she was hiding him on the planet and was trying to get her to talk. But she wouldn't. She'd play the long game with them and buy as much time as she could for the Mandalorian to fly as far away as he can. 

She felt bad for dropping such a heavy burden on his shoulders without warning but she's read about Mandalorian's in the past. She's heard rumours over them and while not all of them were good, she had to trust that the child would be safe with them. She had no choice but to place all her faith in the one Mandalorian who crossed her path.

She only prays that she wasn't wrong, that the child wasn't already captured without her knowing and some big wig was laughing at her pitiful state. 

But she was never one to be pitied and decided she's played prisoner long enough. They might have taken her wrist halo but she still had her brother old glasses. She had turned them halo upgraded years ago even if they weren't as modified as her wrist halo was. She had downloaded the apps that she just had to click on and they did most of the work for her but she was stuck tapping twice or once on the side of the frames to click on what she needed. They weren't the best, overly basic but they did the job at hand. 

She easily snuck out of the lame cell and started to happily make her way to an higher commanding officer office. She needed answers still and hopefully she could also disable some more trackers in hope to lessen the Mandalorian number of chasers. 

She was use to sneaking around and she knew the empire layouts better than anyone else. She was kept in one for some years of her life before she made a break for it and stood as Pidge Gunderson. A so called "boy" who was rebelling against the empire and hacked into their systems, shutting them down and adding viruses so they'd infect other systems link the empire.

Pidge worked solo.

Worked to be a thorn in the empire side in any way possible and helped free other rebels from their cells without them ever seeing it was her. She didn't work well with other's and wasn't good with strangers, teams were a huge no for her.

Or they were meant to be until she met the strange, green baby with pointy ears. He was a classified and deeply hidden prisoner. She's read his file, more than once and held hope over him being her brother. It's the only reason she broke him out to see with her own eyes but she was met with this tiny little baby that they've been running tests on.  

She couldn't let them keep him and so, she kidnapped the child and ran as far and fast as she could. She just didn't expect the empire to be so desperate in gaining the child back that they'd hire half of the universe to hunt her down and steal the child back. She wasn't the best at fighting and she could fly but with all the attacks, her ships end up destroyed one way or another. 

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