Uk School Ages..

16 1 0

I know most of wattpad users follow the US school ages and years. But I've been using Uk's school ages more and more often in my books. I know I note down ages and years at the end of chapters or books before, but I thought I'd add a single information page in my oneshot book for people to find a little more easier. 

School Ages...

Middle/Primary School...

Nursery = 3-4

Reception = 4-5

Year 1 = 5-6

Year 2 = 6-7

Year 3 = 7-8

Year 4 = 8-9

Year 5 = 9-10

Year 6 = 10-11

High School...

Year 7 = 11-12

Year 8 = 12-13

Year 9 = 13-14

Year 10 = 14-15

Year 11 = 15-16

(We leave high school at 16 but have to stay in some form of education or work until we're 18, meaning going to collage or starting work straight away)

Six form/Collage...

Year 12 = 16-17

Year 13 = 17-18

University = 18+

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