His version - Lotidge/Jidge-Unfinished/Discontinued.

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Side Note: This is a amnesia Au.

Background: Matt is a detective getting a lose close to solving his case that has Rich genius Lotor as the suspect. Lotor got spooked and set up a trap for the detective to finally get rid of him before he's exposed. Unknown that Matthew was picking his collage student sister up and dragged her along for "clue finding" after gaining a "hint" for some evidence and wanted to take a look on their way to his home. Katie found it and got caught in the blast meant for her brother. Lotor, at first assumed he'd be done for after his plan failed before an idea striked him after learning Katie had gained amnesia. He was acting as an old friend who cared deeply for her and was the only one to treat her and help her recover. Braining washing Katie to be the perfect partner for him and knowing that if Matthew gained a new look on the case to bring pointing a finger towards Lotor again, he'd use Katie to scare him off. 

"You don't love me" She

"I've always loved you. Only you" He

"You love your version of me. You took my memory lost as a chance to shape me into YOUR perfect image. You lied to me. You made me think that my real name was actually pidge. PIDGE!" She

"I knew you'd feel more attached to the nickname than to your true name. I planned to tell you the truth but you seemed happy as Pidge" He

"No. I have never been happy. I've only felt how you wanted me to feel all this time because I felt like it was my duty to be as you wanted me" She

"I've done everything for you" He

"No. You felt guilty for almost killing me in the blast meant for my own brother. You've only used me. Forced me to think I actually loved you but I don't. I never have. All those odd feelings that you forced me to assume was old memories being blocked out since my mind wasn't ready to handle them.. it was my brain warning me over the little odd things or dangerous hints you did. You used me" She

"And what has gave such an awakening? It's been five years. Five whole years where the only love you've ever known is me. The only life you've ever lived has been inside this penthouse. You've just gained your name again. How will you ever survive in the real world!" He

"Because I fell in love. I've been shown respect, kindness and seen for who I want to be not who they've expected me to be. You were right to assume it was a terrible idea to finally allow me to take a walk around the block once a day. Because that single hour of fresh air, that hour of freedom had taken me straight into someone who loves me for my dorky and genius self. He's never once forced me to do something or told me how to be. He simply adores me as I am. Even when I've embarrassed him or angered him somehow, he still choses to like who I am in that moment than the person you force me to be" She

"And who is this.. saviour? Is he going to come running to save you? Call the police on me? Promise to take you far away and live happily ever after instead .. maybe? I think not. Just become some nobody has given you a taste over a different world doesn't mean he'd want you to stay in it with him. I bet you're just a bit of a fun for him to pass the time with. Otherwise he would have taken your hand and took you home, promise to protect you from the likes of me. Instead.. you still come home each and every day" He

"I chose to return. I didn't understand his world at first. He taught me so much about the world and myself without even knowing it. He makes me happy. I love him. And I won't let you hurt him. I pushed him away, I lied and told him that I was already married because I knew he'd never cheat. He's against cheating and would hate me for trying to use him as a side boy. I knew that single lie would hurt him enough to stay away. Because if I chose him, you'd hunt him down and ruin him. I had to get rid of you first to protect him" She

"And is this where you stab me in my own home? I've waited five years to mould you perfectly and I'd happily start from the beginning if I must" He

"Because you fear my own brother catching you. I've looked into those files on your computer. I know your side business is illegal. I was a safety measure to save you from my brother finding enough evidence to arrest you" She

"I'm a reasonable man, you know that much at least. I'll overlook this past ten minutes if you promise to behave for the rest of our lives. You'll marry me by the end of the year instead of next year now. The sooner we're married the better. It'd stop you from running and it'd make things difficult for your brother if he does come sniffing along. I'll let you keep your hour of freedom, even bring you to work meals but in return you behave. Is that understood? Otherwise you'll find yourself with amnesia and I'm happy to start from scratch all over again" He

"Here's my counter offer. I've emailed my brother every single file on your computer and sent your address with it. Not just this penthouse but all safe houses you've bought. Even that one under your mother's name on a private island. You go to prison without kicking a fight and I won't press kidnapping charges to you. You'll only go to prison for your other crimes and in return, you never try to hunt me down or anyone I'm connected too in the future. You completely forget me and pretended I was never once in your life. We'll be strangers .. understood?" She

"Like this doesn't seem like a kidnapping already" He

"I had amnesia. I've got burns covering half my face and body from the explosion. It's hard to recognize me. You've never met my brother little sister meaning you had no clue it was I all along. You simply took pity on me and gave me a home. I've lived freely with you all these years as I recover. That's what I'll tell the cops if you agree to wipe me from your life for good" She

"Why will you do this for me?" He

"You're a powerful man and I want to live my future without having to hide anymore. I want to be free. And your the only one who'd actually try finding me and ruining my future. If you agree to release me for good, I'll make sure you're not done for kidnapping .. for me at least. It's a fair day. My freedom for you not to be killed or bullied for being a collage kidnapper" She

"I agree" He

"Good" She


A/N: I've had this floating in my drafts for months now and I keep telling myself I'll come back and complete it but never do. I know it's not much of a one-shot or anything but I'm also finding myself unable to delete it either. 

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