Descendants Au Info..

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It won't be a full on Descendants Au, just based on their kinda of world and following the storyline a little bit to make a oneshot out of it. I'm not planning to write it anytime soon since I'm caught up with something else but I want to just put down everyone's parents and get that out of the way so I didn't have to add it into the oneshot or leave a very long list at the top or bottom of the page. So, here goes the parents information bit. 

Sleeping Beauty children = Matthew and Katie. 

(Sleeping beauty is my favourite princess and Disney film since I was a baby. I want to spice things up by swapping genders. Sleeping Prince being Sam and Colleen is the Princess, who never believed in true love kiss, even still denies it after saving her now husband with it)

Maleficent = Keith. 

(Of Course Krolia would play the Maleficent but wasn't apart of Keith's life until he hit his early teens. I like to think Keith's Dad is still Hades but he isn't a bad guy. People just feared him due to guarding the underworld and that's why he was chased onto the island. He still stayed as a good guy and never tried to harm anyone. Happily raising his son to try and be good, teach him from right and wrong. Than Krolia came back and took Keith from him to teach him to control his gifts better)

Fairy Godfather grandson = Adam

(Iverson will be the fairy Godfather and he'd created his own son with magic many years ago. His son falling for Pocahontas's own daughter and marrying her. Adam being born a few years into their marriage but Iverson's spell finally undoing itself and leaving son to simply vanish from existence. His wife dying from a broken heart and leaving Adam into Iverson's care since)

Ursula and Captain Hook Son= Shiro. 

Gaston and Evil Queen Son = Lance. 

Cruella De Vil and Jafar Daughter  = Romelle  

Bella and Beast's Daughter = Allura. 

(I like to think that the beast was trapped in his spell for many years and once the spell was broken his age slowly returned to him. Leaving him to become elderly much quicker than his wife and the two having just Allura before it became too late. Allura's mother dying from a sickness and her father dying in old age when Allura is only a child. Leaving her in the royal advisor, Coran, cares)

Sven Dwarfs son = Hunk.

(Don't ask)

Snow White's Son = Lotor.


Merida's (Brave) Daughter = Nyma.

Jasmin and Aladdin Son = Rolo.

Mulan son's = James. 

Cinderella's Daughter = Shay.

Pinocchio's daughter = Ina. 

Tiana (Frog Princess) Son = Ryan. 

Rapunzel's daughter = Nadia. 

Of course all their parents will be playing the princess/princes of the fairy tale character chosen, I just wanted to show what Disney story they'd all be linked to. 

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