Theif - Shidge. (Draft/Unfinished)

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This is something I came up with at the start of 2023 but got interrupted as I finally started to type it up and never fell back into the flow of writing it afterwards. I keep thinking over returning and finishing it but I just never did. 

I know it's not much and there's no real story to it yet but I can't just delete it either. I thought over keeping it as a draft, hidden among updated chapters and moving it further away from the recently uploaded ones. (Really enjoying the fact I know now have to drag chapters around).

But I didn't want to risk deleting it by accident one day. So, I' going to upload it but not do much to it. So, no one really needs to give this much thought or read. 




Side Note: It's a Theif x Hero type of Au

Warnings (Kinda): Hinted sexual content but no actual smut. Flirting. Maybe a little touching/groping with clothes on. 


"How is our sweetie-pie tonight?" Matthew 

"Sweetie-Pie?" Shiro 

"Yeah, it's what we've all turned to call you and Magpie" Lance 

"Why Sweetie-Pie?" Shiro 

"Because she's always calling you her sweetie. Put Sweetie and take a bit of Magpie and you gain Sweetie-Pie" Matthew 

"D-Do you ship us? She's a criminal" Shiro 

"I've been into romance films long before my own sister's picked them up. Seeing an original love story happen before my very eyes is like a dream come true. Just... don't follow Romeo and Juliet steps since they die at the end. That'd be disappointing" Lance 

"You seem smitten with her. Or so the guys at the station has noticed at least. We've all seen the pair of you flirt during a chase. Most of the guys are betting on who makes the first real move" Matthew 

"Isn't it illegal to make bets like that?" Shiro 

"And who is going to arrest a station full of cops and detectives that's only form of real live entertainment is betting on who'll make the ending move in Sweetie-Pie love life? Seriously even the criminals in holding cells join in on the fun sometimes" Matthew 

"All cops in this city are corrupted one way or another" Shiro 

"We live in a world where some are born with super powers. We've got to be a bit nutty to be brave enough to face dangerous criminals and lock up villains" Matthew 

"He has a point. No one is sane when picking a job like that or one like ours. I only became a hero to pick up chicks and dudes. Only to find out that I can't actually date anyone while wearing a mask and have to try picking them up as my secret identity .. it sucks" Lance 

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