The Feeling - Shidge - Unfinished (Kinda).

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Side Note: This is a bit of a long one. 


(I'm not sure if everyone will be in it but just in case)

Shiro = 34

Katie = 30

Keith = 33

Lance = 32

Hunk = 32

Shay = 33

Romelle = 32

Allura = 37

Lotor = 36

Coran = 70

It started with pet birds squawking and attacking their cages until they were let free and flew away from their own beloved owners. 

Than the cat's went missing without a trace, even the ones the owners always kept safely locked inside. 

Lastly it was the dogs barking throughout the whole night as if people were letting off fireworks but they never did. 

It was when the barki    g started to be silence that people started finding the animals remains, their bodies ripped apart and impossible to identified.

The animals were firstly blamed for attracting them.

But no one understood how they got the animals in the first place. 

Or why they left mankind alone at first. 

People found out after the last dog started barking in each neighbourhood. 

30% were already infected without knowing it. 

You know how some might sleep walk, well these people sleep zombie-ed. 


No clue. 

No one understood it. 

It's why the birds flew away. 

It's why cat's had tried running before being snatched up and eaten up by them. 

Than, the dogs were dragged away by owners or neighbours. 

One thing that seemed common was the infected liked to eat in one spot and kept that one spot as their eating place. 

It's why the remains were so moulded together and impossible to separate time someone came along the rotten smell. 

And once the animals cry of warning was silence, humanity became the next target. 

Those infected fell asleep and never woke up as themselves again. 

They turned into living, none breathing zombies. 

Somehow dying in their sleep and waking as a zombie, attacking and haunting every human in sight. 

Sir and Lady Oneshotsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن