Transformers Au - Part 2 - Plance/Katt.

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Side Note: Lotor is going to be an android who is built by Zarkon. He wanted a human spy to be used on Earth, so he created his own "son" to look human but is completely robotic underneath his fake skin. 

The group walked with caution as they entered the large and darken garden of the Altean household's family manor. The land could have formed an island of itself with the great size of it. A big and white castle sat in the centre of the lands with a fancy drive wave formed by the enterance stairs to where the owners land meets the old country road miles away. The road to the land was so far out of sight that it seemed to not even exist anymore. 

Pidge held her hand as they finally reached a human created pond with tiny garden lights that glowed around the circling edge as warning to anyone who might come close to falling in during a nightly walk. 

Shiro, Hunk and Lance all scanned around trying to check for any traps or enemy approaching them while they were left in the open. Matthew curiously stepped closer to a white wooden bench before taking a seat as he was completely worn out from the war from the main road to here, it took the humans a decent thirty minutes. 

Keith and Pidge shared a look, even with their height distance they were both able to read the other's facial expression and share the same thought. 

"Fuck this shit I'm out" Keith suddenly spoke up without any hesitation as he raised his hands in surrender and started stepping backwards. 

"Goodbye my lover, Goodbye my friend" Pidge used a song from the radio to express her own want to leave and stepped back with Keith. 

Lance and Hunk snickered by the pond while both Shiro and Matt stared at them as unimpressed and disappointed parents. Keith sending a smug smirk towards Pidge who sent a thumbs up in reply. 

"Behave" Shiro simply said like a tired parent ready to retire from parenthood all together. 

"Both of you" Matt added sternly. 

Keith and Pidge shoulders both deflated over their small bit of fun being ruined by scolding and decided to sit down and sulk. Keith bouncing on the grass as Pidge let her dead weight just drop at once beside him without warning. 

"I thought it was the best response to this creepy horror scene" Lance perked up with a fond joy lacing his tone as he turned his full attention to the one he loves. 

Pidge gave a giggly but shy nod in return as she looked back to him while Keith simply pretended to puke beside her like any sibling would do when witnesses romance within the family. Both transformer and human noticed Lance deflate in the distance ever so slightly over the none verbale repose by the one he loves but he soon shook it away before either could think about it. 

"He used to listen to me rant for hours without rest once I was caught in a project. I never started up a real conversation with him, but I didn't have too since he was so chatty. I think this is the longest we've gone without my voice being heard by him" Pidge confessed as she stared sadly towards Lance who went scrolling around the pond with Matt, keeping the other human protected during his quick walk along the pond. 

"Damaging your voice box wasn't your fault. You mentioned it happening during your landing on the planet. We'll have it fix as soon as I've finished learning over your bodies. It might take time, but he'll hear you speak again soon enough" Keith reassured with worry in his gaze as he couldn't even think about never hearing Matt's voice again. To send his loved one on a dangerous and long mission and just to find each other again and still never be able to hear their voice. It was so sad to think about. 

Silence washed over once again before all four of the transformers perked up and stood in a defensive stance as their attention focused in on direction. Keith and Matt stepping to hide behind Hunk who'd already been given strict orders to get the pair to safety if danger comes along. 

"Paladins, Its a pleasure to finally meet you all. I'm Allura and I've brought Lotor with me tonight. I hope we can from an alliance take down the Galra-bots before they destroy earth" The women spoke with a sweet smile as she looked towards the ground. Only meeting Pidge before while speaking with Shiro over a voice line before. 

Pidge was the first to move once the two stepped closer enough to the lights around the pond. Her hand striking forward before she was yanking one of the two up into the air by the front of their zipped-up winter jacket. She raised her other arm, a Angular Katar sliding out over her knuckles and hovering inches away from the man's face. 

"Pidgey!" Lance cried out in surprise over her sudden threatening behaviour to their allies. 

"I see that you're still bitter after our last meeting. Believe me when I said that was all business and not pleasure. I don't work for my father anymore" Lotor calmly replied as he lifted his gaze to stare at her clearly enraged and unimpressed metal face. She might not be able to make facial expressions like humans, but it didn't take a genius to understand she wasn't happy with him after their past meetings.  

"..." Pidge stayed stone cold silent, just glaring towards him. He's hunted down other bots, even humans who went digging into their kind like fools or even accidently stumbled on information about them. He's tried hacking her, imprisoning her in hopes to download the knowledge she held. He's made her witness a new form of hell by mankind's hands and now he was back again. 

"Still mad. I would be too but I'm here as a friend not a threat" Lotor calmly spoke, raising his hands up in surrender while he dangled by her grip, trying to show he wasn't a threat. 

"Pidge, stand down" Shiro ordered as he stepped forward, ready to pull her back with force if needed. It took him a while to snap out of his shock from seeing her act as quickly as she did, she was normal cool headed and thought over her every move first. But this, this was pure instinct and it had shocked them all. He wasn't sure who this guy was, but he clearly gained his name in her bad books. 

"And put the poor earthling down before you break him" Hunk huffed out like a tired mother as he knew how delicate and weak humans can be. 

Pidge seemed to stand a little straighter, her body lighting up in an child's innocent joy while the blade vanished once again. She allowed her eyes to lit up cheekily before lowering her free arm to her side and moving into a better position. 

"Don't you dar-" Lotor started to snarl out, remembering the last time she released him, but he wasn't able to finish his sentence as he was smartly thrown into the centre of the pond. 

"Pidgey!" Lance called out in a startle at seeing his love act like this. He found it a little hot but mostly worrying since she didn't normally act like this. 

"That was ruthless" Keith admitted a little breathless over what he just witnessed. 

"Damn, let's not get on her bad side .. ever" Matthew shakily spoke as he glanced to Keith who gave an agreeing nod in return. 

"He's my guest. He's been helping me with finding any Galra-bots" Allura yelled toward the green paladin who simply crossed her arms over her chest and rolled her robotic eyes. 

"He's killed allies before and helped to hunt them down. He's an asshole" Pidge snarled back, glaring towards the motioned man as he was swimming towards the edge of the pond. 

"Who taught Katie that word?" Matt asked in his overprotective brother mode again, gaining a few looks from the rest over what he was reaction from the most out of tonight so far. 

"I think she's taught me most of the words I knew. I told you she talked to me whenever you went to fill her up with petrol. Those random words coming out from the radio wasn't just some glitch" Keith replied with a small shrug as he always felt like Matt's car kept cursing at him or over someone when Matt seemed distracted. Matt made him feel crazy for years over it. 

It took five minutes, but a soaked Lotor came walking back, purposely keeping some distance from a very smug and pleased Pidge. Pidge walked back over to Lance, standing beside him and wanting some silent comfort of knowing he was safe and with her still. Lotor stood behind Allura, knowing he was safer with her protection than standing out in the open alone. 

"Shall we begin with the discussions?" Shiro asked as he stepped forward and was ready to gain an alliance with the humans. 

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