His Bird - Plance.

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Warning: This is a slave master x slave Au. 

Dear Katie, 

My Pidgeon, My Pidgin, My Pidgey,

My precious bird.

If this letter has been given to you than it breaks my heart to admit I no longer hold life in my body. It upsets me more than you'd ever know to leave you alone in a world that you were only just learning to love when I wrote this. 

I pray that years have passed since I chose to pick up a pen and change my will. I hope that so many years have passed and you finally gained happiness in your life. That those sweet and beautiful smiles laced your lips daily and your cheeky but gorgeous grins as you enjoyed life is still blissfully seen by all.  

I know it may be foolish to admit, to write when I don't even know when this letter will be open but I think I'm falling in love with you. 

Have been since you broke free of your collar, not to escape me but to save my nephew as that car came speeding towards him. You saved his life and you returned, ready to accept punishment. You took being slapped by that horrible cow who lives across from us just for breaking your collar and touching one whom is not enslaved.

You took the harsh and cruel words spoken while protectively holding my nephew close and promising he was safe and would be okay. You protected him even once that car had long since driven past and I returned from work to see the mess it had caused.

I don't know if I should write this part but my nephew adores you. He has since the first day he came over for that sleepover with me for the week and he was terrified over you being punished for his stupid actions of running across the road without looking. He cried as he begged me to keep you, to allow him to take you instead if you I decided to be rid of you. 

I hope by the time this letter is opened, I can honestly and proudly say that I love you, my bird. I love you with all my heart and even in death my love will carry on growing for you. 

It's because I love you so that I changed my will. 

My house, my money, everything I have owned and gained in life now belongs to you and you alone. 

I like to think that I never placed a collar on your neck, that you never gained a new one in t he future. I know I've never planned to replace the one you broke free from because I learnt to cherish you as a living being that as an enslaved object. 

I'm ashamed I bought you as I did but I don't regret it because it brought you into my life and I've never been happy. You were the blessing I had always prayed for in life. 

You're my everything. 

And I'd like to think that we were happy, could have been happy together. I knew marrige would be forbidden as you were born to be enslaved and that was your only use in life. But I wish that we were happy together and even started a family if we wished for one. 

At least we knew my nephew was on our side if we did take such a path. 

I dream over such a future with you and knew that changing my will was the correct choice. I want you to live free, to be safe and well taken after. I want you to stay growing, to learn every emotion possible and I apologize for being the one who teaches you over a broken heart and grief. 

All that I owe is yours now.

Use it well and live a long and blessed life, that's all I ever ask of you now. 

I pray that as I say with all my love and more, you'd feel warmth fill your soul at such words. 

With all my love,

Your friend, your comrade and your dorky love,

Lance McClain. 

She felt the tears fall and stain the one personal belonging given to her as she was shifted into the back of the van. 

She knew to cherish such love that filled her heart but she never believed it could hurt as much as if did as she clutched his final words to her chest. 

She was in love with him, knew he was in love with her back as they had finally stepped over the final line and hoped for a future together. 

She had felt joy, felt happiness and felt hope that she'd be able to always keep such emotions that he'd taught her under his care. 

To keep such respect, pride and greed that came with being a human being. 

She forgot her reasons for being born because he taught her that she could be so much more and she believed every word he told her. 

But he never came home that sunny day. 

He left for work in such a cheerful mood that she couldn't help but goofily grin at him and call him silly little names that he adored. 

And she did her tasks not because she was expected but because she wished to spoil him by actually doing housework for the first time in a whole year. She knew he liked things clean and tidy while she had became lazy and messy. She wanted to express her love by cleaning up as he's always expressing his feelings towards her so easily and so often. 

But now he was gone. 

Now she held the discomfort of a collar around her name and was being shipped back to the closest storage until she's bought again. 

Because slaves hold no freedom, hold no need for personal belongings or be attached to silly feelings. 

Slaves couldn't be written into wills, the will would be changed and the closest bloodline heir will be given it all instead. 

He gave her wings, she could fly away but now she was caged once more. 

And she was owned again.

The young nephew who was barely turned old enough to buy his own slave had taken her home. 

Her home, her love's home that he was given instead of her. 

He had kept it running, kept it as he was given it and promised that no one else would be able to steal it from her again.

That he'd protect the home better than his uncle did. 

The young, hyper, clueless and cheeky boy she had watched grown into a fine, kind and smart young man had returned her wings to her. 

She could never thank him as much as deserved as he released the collar from her neck, treating her like his auntie once again as if no time had passed. 

But she tried saying her thanks as the years passed and she knew her own passing was close enough. He had given her the freedom to stay waiting for the one she loves to return until her final moments where she was able to see him again. 

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