Glass Crown - Part 7 - Plance.

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Drick and Ladnok

Katie had no choice but to leap from the carrige as it started to grow smaller and smaller and uncurling itself back to it's original flower form. Her dress puffing back to her mother's ripped dress and her shoes back to her worn old ones and now stained in mud. 

She landed with a grunt and rolled ever so slightly during the impact making her not notice her hair grow short once more and her crown to slip off. She was left in the ground, sitting up and glancing towards the sunflower left in the middle of the road and all the animals standing back in their original forms seeming unsure over what to do no. 

"Let's go home" Katie smiled to them all as she finally stood herself up and started walking back home with them all. 

She didn't take notice over the crown she left behind. A crown that no longer glowed it's two colours but still held it's magic within and waiting to glow once placed upon the right women again. A flower broken off from the centre of the crown and slipped down Katie ruined dress without her noticing .. for now at least. 

It took her a good ten minutes but she reached home and helped all the other animals back into their own sleeping quarters before heading up to the tower herself. Her muddy shoes carried in her hand and she lightly threw them behind her door before closing it. Taking of her mother ripped dress and knowing it couldn't be saved ever again making her feel a bit tearful. 

She rubbed at her eyes before heading over to grab her nightdress and stopping as something slipped free from her underwear causing her to freeze on the spot. She looked around the room with the low candlelight before taking notice over something sparkling. 

Slowly walking over and kneeling down before finally picking it up with great care. The glass forget me not glowed both such lovely colours of green and blue as it laid in her palm. 

A warm smile filling her lips before she walked over to her mother ruined dress. Ripping a bit of to use as cloth in wrapping the glass up in hopes to protect it a bit better. Stepping over to her tool box and tucking it inside knowing no one else would ever risk getting their hands covered in oil or smoke by searching through her tool box. 

She hummed a happy tune as she went back to slipping her nightdress on before climbing in bed and falling into a dreamless but well resting sleep. She knew she could stay up and welcome her family home but she didn't want to ruin her good mood. She knew she'd hear her twin sisters whine over not gaining the prince's attention. Having her stepmother snap and give the backlash over tonight not going to plan. She knew Lotor and Narti would simply give her a sneaky thumbs up over getting home first. But for now, she'd prefer to sleep and look forward to the "Tailor" next visit to her store. 

And as morning came she woke up and got started on her chores. Humming her favourite tune and enjoying the day a little more than she'd normally do. She knew she should be careful over expressing her giggly mood since it'd make her stepmother suspicious over her good mood.

So, she'd frown and sulk around her stepfamily before enjoying herself with her chores when they weren't around. She had a bit of a skip in her steps and she gave a sly smirk towards the animals who had helped her last night. She didn't have to worry over Honerva gaining any answers from them, not unless she had a magic godmother as well.  

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