Apartment Neighbours - Kidge.

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Side Ships: HunkxShay. Lames/Jance (Lance x James). Matt x Romelle. Shadam. 



Side Note: This was inspired after watching "What's your number?" yet again. I really do love that movie but I don't watch it as often as I should. 

Keith was facing a midlife crisis a year before he actual turns thirty. 

He's never been one to actual feel before, or at all. 

His mother was apparently the same, one to never emotional feel until she met his father and finally gained all the feelings that everyone else has experienced during their lives. It was a sucker punch to the heart when she met his father and she's never felt for anyone since his father, even years after his death. 

Keith blames his mother for leaving him so empty and cold at the heart, knew he gained it from her. 

It's left him being very alone even when he wasn't alone. 

He's dated, more than he could actual count by simply accepting confessions whenever he was single and trying out the dating life. He always ended up getting dumped due to the relationships always be left one-sided or he ends up dating them once his partner grows on his nerves. 

He never gave up his V card until he turned twenty one. Having always been told that it should be done by someone he trusted or truly loved. Been warned that the first time rarely goes well or is enjoyable due to nerves or lack of experience. 

But he got drunk and woke up to someone in his bed, both of them naked and clear signs that he was no longer holding his V card as safely as he did before. 

Now, he was twenty nine and feeling like a man-whore. 

He never desired to be a man-whore and was regretting it. 

Some people enjoy the sex life and not having to settle down with one person but that was never really him. 

He liked the idea over finding someone special even when he never felt anything for anyone. 

Facing his late twenties midlife crisis, he decided he was going to find someone to love and settle down with. 

Not overly caring if they just stay dating forever or do marry, his parents never got married and if his father didn't die in the accident, his parents would still be happily togehter without rings. 

He's dealt with having "body joining experiences" with strangers, he's had a taste and never felt a connection with any of them even while being.. connected. 

He wanted to meet someone who he'd actual want to introduce to his mom, to talk to his mom over and wish that his father could have met them. 

And he's decided that he'd chose from twenty of his actual ex's that treated him fair and nice enough during their younger years. That didn't harass him for bedroom action and were willing to take things slow and steady. 

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