Baby Rover - Part 2 - Shidge.

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He wasn't having a very good day at all.

Well, more like not having a very good twenty-five hours.

He tried turning back to the planet in hopes to find the women from before but along the way he was attacked by both the empire and fellow bounty hunters. All attacking without warning and trying to take over his ship. 

He wasn't very pleased with any of it.

But he kept the child safely in it's crib, locked up tight and protected inside while he flew as best as he could to dodge anymore shots and trying to make his ship take less damaged. Shooting back and just trying to keep them both alive. 

But that's when he recognized one of the later bounty hunters that showed up along the ride. He's escape or taken down the rest that came before and he knew this bounty hunter from a shared job they did in the past. 

They were kind enough to back off once they learnt it was him inside and actually give him information over why he was suddenly being attacked. The child held a bounty on their head, whoever was paying all these men wanted him alive for the most part. And almost every guild had been given out trackers to trace the child. 

He did not enjoy hearing such news, such news came with it's own death penalty as long as he stayed near the child. But he couldn't just give the child away either, not when he's seen what type of dangerous and cruel people have been hired out to collect him. 

He wasn't sure who's child this was but the child didn't deserve to suffer like this. They were still so young and so innocent and he hated the thought over what the empire might do to him if they did gain their hands on him. 

So, he thanked the bounty for the information before flying out. Warning them to not keep to the job as he was going to keep the child into his care and his fellow bounty hunter was smart enough to stay away and head back to the guild for a new job instead. 

"I'm starting to understand why she snuck you onto my ship in secret. Dealing with a simply youngling is difficult enough on it's own let alone one being hunted down by the empire" He sighed as he pressed a button on his halo and opened up the hover crib to let the child look out of the windows again. 

He glanced to the child who just gave an innocent smile as he stared towards him. Nibbling on ..  his metal plate ordainment.

He just frowned at the sight and filled with confusion at the same time. How did he even get hold of that. He's been in the crib the whole time and the metal plate ordainment was left on his shelf again. This child was clearly going to turn him crazy. 

"Stop that" He lightly scolded, snatching his ordainment away from the child and placing it down on the dashboard for now. Metal wasn't a toy for a child, not one for them to nibble and bite on like a chew toy. 

"Look at the stars. Aren't they pretty?" He mumbled back as he glanced out to the black space outside his space with a few gas balls known as stars lighting up around them. 

"ar" The child gurgled out surprising him and earning him to snap his head towards the child as that was the first sound he's truly made the whole time being with him. 

He raised an eyebrow over the child sadden whimper as he reached out towards the glass before patting his small hands down on his clothing as if he was missing something. Or more like missing .. someone. He was searching for someone who wasn't on the ship and it broke his heart to watch the little guy whimper out for them. 

"I lost my parents at a young age as well. Let's just pray that someone is still waiting for you when we arrive" He muttered out as he focused back on looking straight ahead and needing to return the child to his parents, to his own family. 

It took them only an hour now things seemed to have settled down around them and no one else was looking to pick a fight in the middle of space. He still kept an eye on his scanners, checking no other ship or fleet was trying to sneak up on him but they stayed clear. 

Landing his ship back on the planet before and keeping the child hidden within the hover crib this time around. Walking a steady pace and making sure the crib stayed in view in the corner of his eyes as he wasn't sure if anyone would openly try something in public. 

Looking around the docks before heading towards the main office and ready to gain some intel over the strange women he met before. He hoped she was still close by or someone at least knew her whereabouts. 

"She was taken by the stormtrooper's" A worker warned as he was sat on one of the old, falling apart waiting chairs inside. The owner of the docks nowhere in sight right now and the tired worker was awaiting until a new customer needed him. 

"Where was she taken?" He asked, his voice levelled to show he didn't mind either way over her own fate. He knew better than to seem desperate for certain intel. 

"Why are you asking?" The worker shot back with instead, raising an curious eyebrow towards him and clearly seeing a Mandalorian for the first time. 

"She knows something I need to know. I'm sure the empire will allow me to have a word with her as long as I pay my way" He lied, tapping his coin purse to show he held payment to help him gain a chance to speak with her. 

"They've got a small base sent up within the other docks on this planet. They've taken over those docks as if they owned them. Whatever that lady knows, you won't gain a chance to speak with her. They don't share their prisoners, not the empire" The worker passed on all he knew along with his own warning as the girl was a full fledge prisoner waiting for pick up by now. 

"I understand. Thank you for your time" He replied with a polite head bow and flipping a coin towards him for his time before leaving with the child once again.  

Shiro started making his way to the other docks with only what he held on him at the time. He knew he had his blaster and that should be all he needed if things turned bad. He wasn't planning to run but a quick run and escape. He wasn't sure how well that plan would go but it was what he was hoping for at least. 

He glanced to the crib, the hood open to give the child a chance to feel the breeze and look around for a bit before he's trapped inside again. He wasn't going to risk the child being harmed in any way and so far that crib seemed to hold it's own against an attack like his own armour do. 

"No .. wondering or stealing anything. We're gonna try and speak with your mother than make a run for it. Understood?" He told the child as he risked a glance towards him and finding the child simply grinning up at him in return. 

He sighs, knowing the child wasn't going to listen to him and simply gave the crib a pat instead. At least that would listen to him by mostly keeping the child safe inside. 

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