2024 Easter Special!! (No Ship)

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(Happy Easter Eve)



Side Note: Voltron Egg's were not done by me. I found the photo on Google images when searing for Easter Voltron photos. 

Hunk and Pidge knew they were not to blame for what happened. They were two very smart people that were also very good with their hands. 

It was a common rule to not leave two intelligent people who are very skilled with their hands alone after a very long, tiring and tough week where their minds might go numb and empty. 

But in all honestly, if someone had to be blamed, Hunk and Pidge made a silent pack to place all blame of Matt. 

It was his fault. 

Matthew Holt was a genius and the oldest out of the three of them. 

He was meant to be the mature and reasonable adult between them.  

Matt shouldn't have added his own thoughts to their wild rambles. 

Matt should have placed a stop to their grown theories. 

And Matt definitely shouldn't have helped to drawn up the blueprints and than used said blueprints to carry on with their very bad, very cool, plan. 

So, yeah, it was all Matt's fault for not being the adult during their unplanned all nighter. 

In Matt's own defence, he's been trapped alone in space without a fellow human to keep him company. Leaving him to have to learn many alien languages to speak with his fellow rebels. As well as having to learn what foods were safe for a human, learning the hard way or just having to test each and every food he comes across. 

And he didn't want to talk about the public space bathrooms, NEVER wanted to talk about those. 

So, after being overworked and without fellow earth buddies to socialize with, of course he's not going to be  the adult in the group and let lose. 

But Matt would also place the blame on Shiro who had tried to keep tract over the date on earth and forgot to turn his space phone off when it's reminder over the special event the next day was. 

So, yeah, it was all Space Dad's fault for leaving his children and best friend unsupervised.

That's how the other paladins found them the next morning, outside of the castle and in the wide open space within the planet they're currently staying on. 

Hunk and Pidge was admiring the beauty of their handy work while Matt was passed out by the feet of Voltron, having dropped dead asleep the moment they had finished. 

"How?" Shiro simply asked as he stared at what should have been the five lions, not even knowing how any of this was possible. 

"What did you do to our lions?!" Keith cried out in horror, racing over towards Red and having no idea how to help her or fix this. 

"My brain can't understand how this was possible and it's making my head hurt" Lance whined back as he just stared towards Blue, noticing the sudden change to her. 

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