Witness Protection - Kidge.

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Other Ships: Shadam (Kuro x Adam, Kadam?), Shatt, Hunay, Romura, Acxa and Narti  and Lance x Plaxum. 



Keith was simply at the wrong place at the wrong time and needed to learn to keep to himself much better than he normally did. He was simply heading to his newest foster home that week, he's had ten in the past two months after orphans stopped taking him in. 

He knew he wasn't a bad kid, he had a temper but he wasn't bad. The other children and classmates knew how to upset him, to make him mad and play the victim afterwards. He knew everyone only saw him as the troubled boy, the one who held no worth and only knew how to be bad. No one ever believed his side of the story and simply gave up on him, never expecting him to be anything. 

It's why he always stayed out as late he could before returning to whatever place he was staying at that week or day. If he was rarely home in the place taking him in than he'd cause less trouble and couldn't be blamed for anything. He went to school, did his classwork and tried to not fall into as many fights as he use too. He still got into plenty of fights and took the promised detention with pride. If he was in detention than he was somewhere safe inside for at least an hour after school before left wondering the streets and trying to keep away from any danger. 

It's how he accidently witnessed a human trafficking deal going down. And how he witnessed not only were three young women being sold as the promised goods while the other man was paid for them. He also saw the other guys shooting the one they just paid before taking the money back from him. 

Keith really should have just walked away, keep his head low and maybe use a public phone to call the cops and pass on what he saw before hurrying home so he couldn't be dragged into the mess. But no, his stupid legs had failed him and he had foolishly stared right at the ring leader in charge. 

He gave full show that he had witnessed the crime at hand and with him looking as much of a bad boy as he did, the guy tried bribing him to work under him and gain some of the pay cut at the end of the day. Keith refused, he might have looked like some kicked up dirt half the time but he wasn't into anything illegal and forcing other human beings to suffer for mere money. 

That got him on the bad side of the guy and well, witness protection was all he gained in the end. Along with a broken arm but that was healed, he gave his evidence that didn't hold due to his background and now he was forced to leave the city he once almost saw as home. 

He's never seen anywhere as home since his father's cabin in the woods. That three bedroom cabin was his home and he had a happy childhood there. But with his Dad passing in a fire when he was six, he was forced to leave the one place he called home and to leave the only family he ever knew and loved. 

The city full of foster home after foster home had came close to a second home. He explored almost all of that city after all and he learnt to survive it. Or, he was surviving it until that evening. 

He wasn't told where he was going and he was allowed to bring one backpack of belongs with him that ended well for him since that's all he owed. He held a few photos over his Dad, a hippo teddy his father had gave him when he was young and a blanket. Only two sets of clothes and one set of pyjamas. He wore the only pair of shoes he had and jacket. His father's old jacket was shoved at the bottom of his bag, one he wore during his own early teens and thanks to his own small built now, Keith figured he'd be able to wear it for years to come .. hopefully. 

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