.I have been tagged.

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1. Are you a morning or night person?

I'm a night person for the most part. I've got insomnia and it's turned me into a night owl.

 But some days I can seem like a morning person, I'll be able to simply get up, get dressed and ready without being grumpy or sluggish. I'm more of a night owl though that's sometimes mistaken as a morning person. 

2. Are you afraid of the night? 

No and Yes. 

I was scared of the dark when I was younger, but I find it rather comforting now. I like stars and the moon, so I find nights rather peaceful. But on a few rare days I'd suddenly be left uneasy or spooked by the dark. 

So, it's both no and yes. 

3. Are you an extrovert or introvert?


I lean more towards being an introvert, but I've also been seen as an extrovert by others. It really depends on the situation or who I'm around. For me personally, I see myself as more of an introvert.

4. Are you doubted jointed?

God no! 

Just ouch. 

But I've never broken a bone and I use to be able to bend limbs in the wrong direction without breaking them. It hurt like hell though and it was always done by accident. 

5. Are you left or right handed? 



I'm ambidextrous. 

Well, apart from writing. I can't write with my left, but I do have poor handwriting skills with my right anyway. Everything else I can be ambidextrous or lean towards one of my hands more. It was hell during pe back in school when you had to grip or stand with your strongest side. 

6. Are you a tidy person or a messy person?


I'm a bit of a clean freak for some things in life but a complete slob for others. 

7. Are you always one time or late? 

I always try to get somewhere that little bit early.

8. Are you ticklish?

Next question please..

9. Can you curl your tongue?


10. Can you ice skate?

We don't have ice skating rings where I'm from. I've tried it when I was a toddler and a place opened up, but it closed not long after. So, no. I can't skate. 

11. Can you wiggle your ears?

Sadly not. 

12. Coffee or tea?


I'm not an animal. 

13. Cookies, cake or donuts?

Depends what kind and where I am. 

I'm both not picky and picky over treats. 

14. Did you ever partake in a talent show? 


When I was about seven. We lost. 

I also tried out for a lead singing role in a play once, when I was like eleven. It was for a class play but I didn't get it. 

I'm meant to tag five people, but we all know my tagging didn't mostly fail me more times than it actually works. So, I tag the first five people willing to give this a go. The rest of you are free to escape this tag. 

Sir and Lady OneshotsМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя