Wasted Future - Shidge.

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It seemed like such a promise for them both but they had forgotten how easy a promise could be broken. 

Forever never lasted forever, no one lived forever and so.. their promise couldn't either. 

But forever had seemed so close in their outstretched hands that they had hoped, truly hope they'd have forever together. 

He lived in a huge mansion, his father was one of the riches men alive but he was barely home leaving his twined sons and their older cousin alone. It was a place they slept, that they ate inside and not a home for any of them. 

She lived in a small but loved family home. Her parents weren't rich but still worked long and hard hours. But they adored both their children, spoiling them and caring for them. Supporting them and cherishing them until their children held hearts of gold and could truly smile in life. 

Her older brother became friends with him first, stuck in the same class. The twins weren't like the other students in the academy, they didn't laugh or bully her brother due to him getting in by a scholarship. Instead he offered a hand of friendship to her brother while his twin just didn't a flying fuck over anyone but himself. 

She met him by being dragged to the mansion by her brother when her parents were away on a business trip and their grumpy neighbour was drunk as always instead of babysitting then. 

Sven, the cousin, he was in his twenties and welcomed them to cover over whenever they wanted. Made up guest rooms for them both to use and already cooked enough for two extra mouths. 

Kuro, the younger of the twins got use to the pair of Holt's but still kept to himself at school. Takashi, the oldest twin was always friendly and charming, always smiling and listening whenever either Holt was about. 

She was a few years younger than the older three but she got along with them and made a spot for herself in their circle. Maybe it was her young innocence or big mouth but she helped turn the large and lonely mansion into a home for them all. 

Smiles, laughter and cheers were often heard in the mansion that had never heard such sounds since the passing of Mrs Shirogane when the twins were just two years old. 

The mansion thrived with their makeshift family and that was before feelings started to grow and attachments between her and Takashi became known. Neither made a move at first, the bro/sibling code had stopped them until both Matthew and Kuro decided to confess their love for them when they took too long dancing around each other. Kuro and Matthew did end up being pranked for a full week as revenge afterwards. 

Neither rushed their relationship, they foolishly had believed they had forever together. That they could love and cherish the other until the universe itself no longer filled around them. 

But life wasn't that kind. 

A chemical spill, it infected people ... turned them into cannibals.

Zombies, the undead, the walking dead, whatever games or films called them, they became real.

The mansion was safe, it was old and protected by it's wall.

The Shirogane's wasted no time in acting as heroes and opening the gates for survives for as long as they could before having to seal them close as the undead out numbed the living in the city.  

He was always the prince charming type, the hero that all dreamed and wished for. 

She adored his kind hearted soul but she feared as his self sacrificing bone, he couldn't just leave someone in danger if he had a chance to save them. 

She knew it'd be the death of them like it was for his cousin who had chased after a survivor who was spooked and ran from the mansion safety. Both Sven and the survivor had died, been bitten and turned just to haunt them all from the outside of the gate. 

They had forever. 

They still believed it. 

It wasn't much hope but they couldn't rush their love out of fear of not waking up in the morning. 

They wanted to keep their love pure, safe and warm and not forced out of desperation. 

They were meant to have forever. 

She believed it as much as he did. 

Even as he risked his life for a stupid engagement ring that was much bigger than her actually wedding finger. 

But she still said yes, slipped it onto a chain and wore it around her neck until it could be replaced with her wedding finger. 

She still remembered his laugh when she had returned from a supply run with an engagement ring that was much too small for his own wedding finger but he still tried placing it on his finger. Her laugh as she stopped him before he broke the ring or cut the blood flow to his finger and soon slipped it on to a chain necklace for him to wear instead. 

Their engagement wasn't advertise, just told to those close to them like it would have done if the world wasn't a mess. 

They knew the wedding had to wait, most priest ended up dead during the first few days of infection when it began. Promising help and opening the churches for all and praying for those who had been bitten. They were eaten and attacked rather quick and those that were smart enough to hide up or stay safe were somewhere out there blended in with other survivors, most giving up on god as he couldn't save any of them now. 

Regret was something they both knew and held. 

Thinking forever was going to last. 

They ended up wasting a future instead of enjoying one. 

Everyone believed she'd be the first to go because she didn't enjoy any form of exercise, she wasn't built to survive the end of the world. 

And they were right but wrong as well. 

She had a choice, stand as a hero and save a child left corner by the undead or head back to their home and return to him as promised. 

He was meant to be the hero, not her. 

But she made her choice and she shielded the boy from the scratches and bites given out by the monsters that were once important to someone long ago. 

She keeps the boy's body shoved against her chest, keeping her back to them and slowly moving even as pain filled every inch of her body. 

She had two hours, two hours to get the boy safely away and towards the mansion before leaving herself, leaving before her beloved had a chance to see her fate and break at the sight. 

The boy was named Rover, she got him to the top of the wall safely and giving one last glance to the place she called home.

Their home. 

Their future. 

Their .. wasted future. 

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