Oneshot Ideas..

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So, I've got a few oneshot ideas but my mind is a mess and it's been so damn hot I know I'll forget them and most likely never do them anyway. But I wanted to bring them some life and share them a little. 

Idea One:

Ship = Jidge (James and Pidge) Or Kidge. I have two endings for this one..

Its a DC au. 

Bruce (Iverson. Bruce Iverson)  adopting the paladins at different stages of their lives. 

So, it kind all fits in with Dick's, Jason's, Tim and Damian backstories but changed up and different at the same time.

I know Iverson first name is meant to start with an M but for this oneshot his first name will be Bruce. And Alfred would be Ryner because I think she'd be the perfect stand in as Alfred. 

First he adopts Shiro 

Shiro's dad was a criminal. He also a sober and drunk abused, physically and mentally towards Mrs Shirogane. Shiro and Kuro would be forced to hide under their blankets. Their mother ordering them to hide underneath them in their room with the door closed whenever their father was around and action "mean". It was the only she could protect her sons from her boyfriend.

(They never married. They met young, fell in love and had dreams of their future but than Mr Shirogane fell into the crime world and turned nasty. Mrs Shirogane stayed out of love, holding hope the man she did fall in love would return and just needed support and someone to help him back to the light. It only grew worse when she fell pregnant, the truth slapping her hard in the face as her boyfriend only became worse and more cruel to the family. She thought over leaving but by the time her son's were toddlers she lost her will to fight anymore and just used the last of kind and love filled heart to protect her sons and paint them a pretty world they could live in)

Mrs Shirogane dies from sickness. Not having the money for the needed medication and just doesn't wake up one day. Her sons clinging to her and crying and for the first time they see their father as the man he once was, it only lasted for a few minutes as he finds his dead girlfriend and grief fills him before he's back to his old self. He tries teaching his sons the way of the real world and how they'd never be good enough. He hits them and makes their life hell. 

Kuro runs away at the age of six. He remembers the old stories his mother would tell them once their father drunkenly storms out after having his way for her and both sons run out to check on her. He remembers how the happy ending always happens once leaving the home and leaves early on after a rough night of dealing with their father. 

Shiro stays, waiting for his brother to return and dealing with his father. Wanting to stay for their dead mother's shake. Knowing she held hope over their father returning like his old self and never wanting him to be left alone. But his father goes to prison once he turns eight and he's left behind. 

He's placed in an orphaned and forgotten. 

At age ten he get's caught up into a villain's attack. Losing his right arm and a scar across his nose. He's in the hospital for months, his bills paid by Bruce's charity and Bruce adopts him. First out of guilt for not being able to protect the child during his fight with the villain and wanting to repent by giving the boy a home and all the care he needs. 

Shiro becomes the first Robin before turning into Black Robin. (I know Dick becomes Nightwing but Shiro isn't flexible enough for that). 

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