Stardust - Part 4 - Kidge.

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The servant keeps quiet, his head low as he sweeps along with the broom inside the large, gloomy and falling apart manor that sit in the middle of empty, rocky lands. God had long since forsaken such a place that laid as home to three cruel witches. His masters who stole him away and entrapped him in their home with a spell he hasn't been able to break all this time. 

Cleaning the floors on the routes the three take often enough, stopping any dust or grime from touching their already muddy and filthy feet. Caring for the animals kept his heart warm and his mind sane but he knew one day he'd lose himself to the life forced upon. 

Flinching as the manor doors burst open, old and heavy wooden doors slamming into the walls behind as the oldest witch came storming in. Her pace was rushed and her face holding the sign of future danger on some other poor soul. She looked excited and while her cousins might have found it cute, he found it terrifying. 

"Romelle! Merla! Wake up. Now!" Allura yelled urgently as she stormed into their shared bedroom, two always sleeping while one stays awake, guarding, waiting and watching. 

He silently hurries after her, keeping his distance and gripping tightly onto his broom. He might not be able to freely leave this manor, but he can listen in and understand what evil acts will be done next. He'd know the fate of a stranger who'd be brought to them, and he'll sometimes be able to pass on warning to the old traveller who passes over the many animals they take in for the competition of their spells. 

"What is it?" Merla tiredly asks as both she and Romelle sits up, both half asleep and wishing to return to their resting once again. 

"A star has fallen" Allura confesses as she holds her hands together, struggling to stay still over the good news she had brought them all. 

He steps back, startled as he hears the other two gasps in return and hurry out of bed. Whatever this fallen star is, it's something that's gained all three witches' attention. And gaining their full and undying attention was never a good sign for anyone. 

He follows after as all three races out of their shared room and further down to what he likes to call their office. It's where they cook up any new or old spells and do their dirty work. Sometimes they'll even plan togehter inside of the dirty and rotten smelling room. 

He risks stepping closer, peeking through the gap in the door hinges as all three cousins rush around and trying to find something they've seem to have lost. Allura kneeled down to check in a cupboard, seeming disappointed at not seeing what she was hoping to find. 

"Where are the Babylon candles?" Allura asks as she rises to her feet slowly, her shoulders slumped. 

"You used the last one, Allura. 200 hundred years ago, do you not recall?" Romelle sighs with a frown as she rolls her eyes, often having the same conversation whenever her cousin wishes to hurry somewhere. 

"Perhaps we can obtain another" Merla offers up in hopes to keep the peace between her cousins. 

"Has your mind become as decrepit as your face, Merla" Allura snapped back as she glared towards her younger cousin with displeasure. 

"Rude" He thought to himself and wondered how any of these witches got to walk around so freely in the world while all looking as hideous as they did. Surely some form of witch hunter was out there and should have found these cousins so easily. 

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