"I'm a danger to everyone. I shouldn't be around my friends if I have the power to hurt them."

"That wasn't reality."

"It very well could have been! Could be!"

"Then I suppose I need to teach you how to never stray onto that path."

"Master, I'm just scared. I'm scared it might already be too late."

Aayla slowly moved and sat beside him, and he tried not to shy away. She put her arm, the same one that he had broken, across his shoulders, and gave him a gentle hug. y/n didn't cry, but felt close to tears.

Aayla used to hold him like that when he was younger and new to the war. He remembered clutching his stomach, which had been cut open by shrapnel, whilst his Master draped an arm across his shoulders and told him that everything would be alright, reaching out through the Force to ease his pain. He remembered being rescued from Cato Neimoidia, and how Aayla had hugged him and apologised again and again for leaving him behind, even though it had been his own fault for getting captured.

He was older now, and rarely did she comfort him this way anymore. But it was calming just like all the previous times she had done it.


"Yes, y/n?"

"Is it okay if I take a few solo missions for a while?"

She let go of him and sat back against the wall, thinking.

"I don't think you should. No. I understand that you want me to get you out of combat for a week. But if you run, that means you're afraid. And you know where fear can lead you."

He nodded. Yes, he did. Now he truly knew what the Dark Side was like.

There was a knock on the door of the cargo hold, and y/n opened his eyes. After Aayla had left, he had meditated and achieved an acceptable state of mind, although he still felt intermittent flashes of power.

"It's me," a voice said gently. "n/n, please let me in."

He stood and approached the door, but his hand didn't move towards the button yet. Behind the heavy steel hatch he could sense Ahsoka, standing right in front of him, the two separated only by the metal.

He put his hand against the door and felt her place her hand there on the opposite side.


He exhaled slowly. "I'm sorry, Ahsoka."

"Please, y/n," she repeated again, barely audible this time.

Something in him gave out and he almost slammed the button to open the hatch, suddenly missing her with a burning ache.

She stepped inside and the door closed again, bathing everything once more in darkness.

"It wasn't you-"

"Don't," he murmured and closed his eyes. The next thing he felt was her lips gently brushing against his.

"Come on," she said, sitting on the ground and patting the space beside her.

"Ahsoka, I...I shouldn't..."

"You're the one who didn't want to talk about it," she gave a slight smirk. "So let's not talk about it. For now, we acknowledge that nothing happened."

He paused for a second, then grudgingly acquiesced and sat beside her, their knees touching. There were a few moments of silence. Then he leaned across to kiss her cheek, before guiding her chin to face him and moving to her mouth.

She cupped his face gently, and the familiarity of his closeness was almost enough to forget about the earlier events.

Ahsoka felt the warmth of his hand on the bare skin of her back, and his other travelled to her neck, gently pulling her closer while his thumb lingered on her jaw.

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