He hopes.

(M/N) watched them play, his eyes following them. He seemed so interested and impressed, his eyes shined. He held his bag to his chest as he sat on the floor.

"You look pretty interested in the sport." Yachi said.

(M/N) looked up, "Yeah." He mumbled before looking back at them practicing. He shifted on the floor and smiled.

"Ever thought of playing?" Kiyoko asked.

"Not allowed to." He responded.

The two managers looked between each other, then they looked at (M/N). He was too busy watching them, his eyes going to Tsukishima who was blocking. He thought Tsukishima was so cool.

It was a water break, Tsukishima walked up to (M/N). He stood in front of him, they maintained eye contact before Tsukishima sat next to him.

"I heard you basically need help with every subject." Tsukishima sighed out, (M/N) looked down. "We'll start with your easier subject. We don't have much time right now."

"Uh... yeah." (M/N) reached in his bag. He went through his things and pulled out a bunch of scrunched up papers. "My easiest... my easiest..." He was having a hard time figuring out which was his easiest. He struggled in pretty much everything.

Tsukishima tilted his head, even with his annoyance filtering... he found (M/N) rather endearing. It was somewhat cute watching him smooth of the papers that were stuffed in his bag.

Tsukishima compared it to a child sitting in the park with a bunch of toys sprawled out in between their legs.

"Back to work!" Ukai shouted.

(M/N) was still trying to figure out his easiest subject. Tsukishima stood up, sighing out once more.

"Just... figure it out while I go back to practice. We'll head back to mine after for tutoring."

"Okay." (M/N) responded.

When practice ended, (M/N) followed Tsukishima quietly. He was thankful they were going somewhere more private, he didn't want the whole team to stare at him fail to understand what Tsukishima would be explaining.

Once they made it, Tsukishima greeted his mother, explaining why (M/N) was there. (M/N) thanked them for allowing him to be here, then he followed Tsukishima up to his room.

"Go ahead and get whatever you need out." Tsukishima said, pulling up another chair at his desk.

(M/N) pulled out all of his assignments that needed be turned in next week. So, he had time to do it, they didn't need to do all of it in one night.

"Which one was your easiest?" Tsukishima asked, watching (M/N) fidget a bit.

"It's... all very difficult for me. It's why I'm in the lowest class." (M/N) sighed out, not looking at Tsukishima.

Tsukishima's blank face furrowed a bit, "What?" He questioned, his voice meant to sound more curious than annoyed, but that didn't happen. "Never mind, let's just start with math."

(M/N)'s nose twitched but he found the math sheet. There were six word problems and four regular problems, he gulped a bit. Word problems were the worse and it messed him up even more.

Tsukishima watched him carefully. He was absolutely fidgety and he kept looking between his math sheet and the pencil in his hand. Not once did he look at Tsukishima.

So, they began.

Tsukishima was quickly getting annoyed, he felt like he was coaxing a crying child into grabbing something or calming down. (M/N) just wasn't getting it and said male could tell Tsukishima was doing his best not to blow a fuse.

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