Chapter 37: Through The Ruins

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A few moments before the clash...

James fell on the ground after taking a powerful hit from Leonardo and a deep slash from Tedd.

"I... gotta see... my father..."

"... my tribes' future... depends on... me."

"Monkey, Chicken, do the honor of killing him." Leonardo spoke.

Mocked by Leonardo, Tedd along with Chimpa dashed towards James, preparing to finish him once and for all.

James bowed his head and closed his eyes, his father's image flashed back in front of him.

"Father... if I only listened to you..."

The voice of his enemies become weaker and weaker...

James felt someone's presence in front of him, no, two people's presence. He opened his eyes and saw two towering men who stopped the commanders' attacks.

"Who... are... you?" James asked.


He knew that those people were talking, but all he can hear was the loud ringing on his ears.

"What... are... you?" He whispered.


"I need... to... finish them." James said.

The men in front of him spoke once again and they began to confront the commanders of Agustus.

James watched as the two strangers that saved his life walk towards the enemies that took him down.

He began to move once again, pulling his body backwards. He looked around and found a block of concrete where he could rest his injured body.

"Come... on... you... can... do... this!"

He crawled towards the flat concrete and lied his back.

"Arrrggggghhhhhh!" He let out a long painful cry.

Loud explosions echoed behind the ringing sound on his ear. James knew that the fight has begun and he needs to act fast or else, they will be killed or kill Agustus on their own.

"No... I won't let... that happen."

He used his hand to look for his spare cloth on his sling bag and picked it up. He slowly rolled it and bit it off to cover his mouth.

"Thif... if... goming... fo... bhe... fainful."

He concentrated and breathed deeply, inhaled and exhaled. He closed his eyes and clenched his fist.

"Healing... Aura."

The Heart of the Sea gleamed and released an aura and envelope his wounds and injuries.


James exclaimed as the aura slowly heals and cleanses his wound, the process was extremely painful.

After a minute of suffering, the pain began to subside.

James removed the cloth on his mouth and breathed deeply. The pain all from the wounds he took, all gone, the slashes, broken bones and other injuries are now gone. His hearing came back to normal, clearer than ever.

He heard a couple of explosions from a far away distance, He remembered, he needs to act fast.

"I gotta go."

James stood up but his strength was not yet recovered and fell on his knees. He tried to stand again and again but he could not even move his body properly. He was heavily concentrating when suddenly, his stomach let out a loud echoing sound.

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