Chapter 16: The Mysterious Man

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A few minutes earlier, Thor's fight...

"Tiger Claws..."

Thor's opponent dashed left and right.

"... Wild Rampage!"

He slashed Thor with its sharp claws with great speed.

However, even if it was giving its all power and speed on its attack, he cannot even give Thor a single scratch.

"Graaahhhh! Tiger Claws..."

The enemy bent down his knees, crossed his arms closed and aimed at Thor.

"Wood Bark Mark!"

He dashed quicker than before and slashed Thor's chest.

"Now, I'm sure that hits more accurately."

Thor stepped backwards as he took the almost perfect attack.

"Iron Press." He whispered.

The enemy's attack did nothing but shred Thor's shirt.

"What?! Are you as tough as steel?"

"No, I was born made up of flesh and bones but I was toughen by hundreds of fights I won and lost."

The enemy lowered his stance and prepared another attack.

"Tiger Claws: Low-sweep Hunting Slash!"

However, before his attack could reach its target, a punch thrown by Thor took him down.

"Thunder Smash!"

The man smashed his body down the ground, causing him to be immobile.

"I am sorry for that, but I have to go." He began to walk away but paused for a moment. "I forgot to introduce myself, I am Thor Odinson. See you, if you will live after this."

"Stop!" The man exclaimed.

He went back up. "My name... Don't you want to know what my name is?!"

Thor stopped and turned back around.

The man breathed in and out, before stating his name, "I am Ethan Beck!"

Thor smiled, "Ethan, I admire your persistence and bravery. So as a way of saying goodbye, I will give you a second chance, come at all cost."

"I am not done yet! I am... going to stab my claws into you!"

Ethan went down to his fighting stance, "Tiger claws..."

He pounced from left to right, accelerating from time to time.

Thor clenched his fist and prepared to face the attack.


Ethan began to move faster and faster.

"This is it for you!"

And with his final pounce.

"Panther Shock!" He leaped straight to Thor and slashed him with his attack.

"... Smash!" Thor threw his devastating punch straight to his opponent.

The two of them froze in position, Thor's left punch and Ethan's right tiger claws caught each other, but Ethan's left claws stabbed Thor's chest.

"I think... I won." Ethan said.

"Not yet." Thor whispered.

A spark flashed from the demigod's fist and electricity charged once again.

"Grraaaaahhhh!" Thor exclaimed and pushed the tiger claws away.

Thor's great power bursts out of his raging fist, hitting his opponent's face, sending him flying away.

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