Chapter 21: Atlantians in Great Danger

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Geronimo walked forward facing the terrorists, "My son is not a monster, neither do I or our kind..."

A strong gust of wind blew past them.

"...But you've been killing innocent creatures in this land for your own selfish needs, and you're calling us monsters, be ashamed of yourselves 'cause you're the monsters in this world!"

Everyone laughed at him, until their Boss walked forward, "No, you're the pesky pests of this land. I can never conquer Estuaria if pests like you keep creeping around here in my land!"

James looked at his father, he's feeling a miĺd anger inside, but it was being overpowered by his calmness.

"Father, what are we going to do?"

"If we will be in danger, we have no choice but to fight."

The Big Boss pointed his gun at James, "Kill them."

The terrorists then followed his command and fired at them aimlessly with their guns.


"Go, son, protect yourself!"

"This is exciting!"

The terrorists violently fired their ammunitions at them, aimlessly shooting at them.

"Agua Block Tide!" The father and son exclaimed.

They pulled their elbows backwards and pushed them forward, creating a barrier of compressed water vapor that blocked the bullets from hitting them.

James waved his hand towards the terrorists, "Agua Surge!" and a huge wave wiped them out, like what he did at the mangrove forest.

"This gives me chills, down my spine!"

"Take this seriously! One wrong move and you're dead!"

"Yes, Father!"

They fell on the ground, the wave also took their weapons towards the river. The terrorists stood up quickly and put out their knives.

Geronimo ran into the edge of the river, "Agua Blade." They dipped their hands at the water and as they lift them back, sharp transparent blade-like water formed on their hands.

The terrorists attacked them fearlessly, James quickly dodged the slashes of the enemies while hitting them on their weak spots.

Geronimo's blade was much longer than James's and easily slashed through his enemies and defeated them.

James was cornered by tens of terrorists and surrounded him. They are challenging him on a close combat fight. It is obvious that James was outnumbered and smaller than the terrorists but he was trained and almost mastered the art of fighting of the Atlantians.


"You have nowhere to go!"

"You're dead by now!"

James smirked and said.

"Do you think you can take me down?"

"Don't be so confident! Kill him!"

The terrorists aimlessly punched him but James easily dodged them all.

James countered the terrorist's punch and hit him in his face.

Two terrorists quickly took hold of him from behind and another terrorist rammed towards him.

"Slow down!"

James smashed the feet of the terrorists that are taking hold of him and pulled himself backwards, forcing the two terrorists to move in front of him.

"See ya!"

POWER: A Tale of Greatness Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang