Chapter 19: The Legend of the Men of the Seas

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Through the course of history, legends have been known throughout the world. Most of them are just made up by bored sailors wandering at the sea and some of them are real.

One of them is the Legend of Atlantis, a city deep below the seabed, made of prismarine and shining like a pearl exposed to bright sunlight, built tough for any kind of disastrous event.

They are inhabited by sea-dwelling creatures known as Atlantians, the Men of the Sea, known to possess the power of the sea, have the ability to breathe underwater and swim as fast as the fastest fishes of the vast ocean.

They remained as legends, passed from generations to generations, from elderly to children, until eight hundred years ago, they surfaced and humbly introduced themselves to the world.

They became good friends with the humans of the surface world, trade goods with them, lived side by side each other, and even fought with them during the Great World War.

Until eight decades ago, the Great City of Atlantis mysteriously disappeared, including most of its inhabitants. The only ones left was those Atlantians who chose to live in the surface.

The disappearance of the 'Lost City of Atlantis' is still a mystery, human historians and archaeologists tried their very best to know the truth if what, why, and how it happened.

The search for the lost city still continued, up until today, for the hopes that it could give answers to the questions that are still confusing the whole world and for the hopes that it could help them save the Atlantians endangered race.

Present day, at the west coast of Centaria, Bay of Estuaria, in a hidden camp deep in the rainforest named Tiago, there lived the last population of Atlantians in the whole world.

The whole tribe have lived in the wilderness of Estuaria for more than a hundred and fifty years, seventy years early before the disappearance of Atlantis. They are used to the environment where they are currently living. They named their lands Tiago.

After the disappearance of their former Kingdom and the other Atlantians, their tribe became the last known population of Atlantians, less than two hundred remained.

The pressure to their species also increased as humans began to claim their sacred lands as theirs. Causing conflicts in between the two races that resulted to countless deaths to the endangered Atlantians.

However, one group took majority of the damage to them, the Nomadic Terrorists of Estuaria.

These ruthless men hunted down Atlantians for fun, making business of cutting down the rainforest trees, capturing wildlife for illegal trade and claiming the whole Estuaria as their own territory. They terrorizes and hunts the Atlantians for one specific reason, those brutal terrorists believed that Atlantians are pests and the main hurdle that are blocking their way to conquering the land. Fortunately, the nomads never knew where the exact location of Tiago was.

The Kingdoms of the Centarian continent are putting effort to protect the Atlantians, but still not enough to stop the nomads from wiping their race out of existence.

The rate of death is very high, estimated one Atlantian is being brutally slaughtered every week. Even with their supernatural abilities, their still weak enough to be easily killed by the endless numbers of nomads.

That was the reason why their former chieftain decided to sacrifice their only treasure, an emblem of the sea, the solid representation of the ocean's great power, the Heart of the Sea.

The chieftain casted a powerful enchantment to the stone and threw it far away, far into the deep, wide ocean.

Its power showered all over the whole blue sea. Its great power helped the vegetation grew thick and healthy around the bay, and life plummeted within its broad vicinity, creating the last hidden fortress for the last population of Atlantians.

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