Chapter 13: The Lair of the Beasts

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One day, while Bulls and Owen was on their way to the Junk Piles to get some parts when something bizarre happened.

"Hey, I'm just wondering, how did you took down more than tens of Spectators with your fists? Are you also a martial artist or something else?" Owen randomly started a conversation.

Bulls stared at his hands, "Ah, I honestly don't say this to everyone but I know a how to defend myself."

Owen refused to believe it, "I don't believe you, what is it. If you tell me the truth, I'll teach you somethimg interesting."

"Okay, fine. I used Hakyushu, a martial arts that I learned when I was a kid. And an accident caused my body to turn into a "charged battery" or maybe a "walking atom bomb", the best description to my condition." He explained. "Because of this, I can absorb and release electrical charges like this."

Bulls rubbed his palms and touched the ground. The charges crawled through the path, giving a short, bright flash of light.

"Woah, that's cool! I wanna talk to you about this amazing thing later, but now let's deliver these parts to gramps."

The two of them was about to leave when Owen saw something bizarre. The grass on the path grew incredibly fast, forming through the path where the charge crawled, becoming greener and greener per second.

"Did you see that?!" Owen asked.

Bulls nodded, "Yeah, I saw it, I already observed that phenomenon before but I still don't know why this kept happening."

"Do you want to know why? Come on, let's check it on my new invention at my lab." Owen offered.

Bulls smiled, "Sure!"

As Bulls agreed, they quickened their walking pace to reach the Hangar immediately.


Ten days after their arrival at Franzia, Bulls learned everything he needed. He also understood why and how the bizarre phenomenon kept happening. After the hard training and conditioning, they are now prepared for everything that they might encounter on their long adventure.

Guardian was fully recreated and now stronger and much tougher than before.

Thor spent the past days training tirelessly, strengthening his techniques, pushing himself to his limits, before they raid and save Asgard.

The team created a bond with Oswald and his grandson, Owen, a bond that nothing, even distant space can tear apart. But after all, they still need to go.

With Guardian's new gained technology, they can reach the next country much more safer. They climbed up the Geocargo and rode down the hilly junk yard towards the entrance, where they will say goodbye.

Bulls hugged Buster tightly, "Be a good boy, Buster. I'll miss you."

"Don't forget about your limits, it might kill you." Owen warned him.

"If that will happen, I'll make sure to kill them first." Bulls jokingly said.

"Idiot." Owen gave Bulls a hug.

"Follow this map and you'll reach Estuaria in no time." Oswald passed the map.

"I think this is goodbye, for now." Bulls said. "I'll see you soon, Uncle."

Bulls and Oswald gave each other a warm hug, a way of saying goodbye.

"Goodluck, save his realm, and come back safely."

Bulls nodded in response.

Thor shook hands with Owen, "Thank you for everything, little kid."

Owen jumped and hit Thor's head, "I said, "I am not a kid anymore!", I'm a teen!"

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