Chapter 22: The Awakening of the Heart

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The fight was intense, James and Geronimo fought with all their strength and might to take down their enemies. However, they also took a lot of injuries. While swimming back home, the memory of the previous fight still replays on James mind, he cannot believe that he fought alongside his father, it was his first intense fight.

After a few more strides, they reached the hidden village.

Everyone was sound asleep, and the decorations for the Lunar Dragon Festival was already everywhere. They passed through the village center and into their treehouse.

"James, why did you do that for?!" Geronimo scolded his son.

His father was worried, James could see and sense that. "That was too dangerous, what if you failed to deflect that, that thing that they threw, whatever that was, you could hav-"

"Father, I just did what's best for the situation." James explained himself. "I'm, sorry for my disobedience."

"I know you also want to use your abilities to strengthen them, but consider your life in every situation, the life of the others, especially the innocent. What you did really surprised me, I am so amazed. I just got worried." Geronimo said. "It was your instinct, as an Atlantian, a thing that a warrior would do on that kind of situation."

James nodded but he is confused. "Okay Father, thank you for your advice, but I thought our tribe weren't tribe of warriors, we are just nomads, fishermen, and traders who went here, on land." He replied.

"James, you're still too young to know everything. But yes, we're not warriors, but you are," his father said, pointing at his son's chest. "Now seet your questions aside and go to sleep."

James went to his room and layed his back on his hammock, resting his aching body.

"Tsk! I almost got hit."

He raised his shaky hand and stared at it.

"I still need to train more..."

"... But, am I really a warrior?"

The following morning, he dreamt of what happened last night, the fight, their escape, and his father's scolding. Everything was clear, except for the part where he almost got blown away.

Little did he know, the whole village was under attack. His father was fighting and defending the village along with the other villagers.

James was woken up by the tremors caused by the explosions from the outside.

"What is happening?!" He ran towards the terrace and looked around. "They've found us?!"

He immediately went back in and packed their things, especially the most important ones. "Wait for me father, I'm coming!"

James quickly went outside but he suddenly stopped. He checked his neck and his necklace was gone.

"Tsk! Of all the time in the world, why now?!"

James went back in and ran into his room. He looked around the room, almost flipping it over, until he found the necklace under his hammock.

"Phew! I thought I lost you." James said as he wipe it with his hands. "I know you could help us."

James wore his necklace and dashed out of their treehouse, and began to look for his father.

The fight was very brutal, dying and severely injured Atlantians were all over the place. Their souls are weakened down to the point that all they could feel was worry, doubt and confusion.

They are being outnumbered by the barbaric terrorists. They were almost dying until James came. In a blink of an eye, James dashed and slashed the enemies on his way.

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