Chapter 1: The Farmer and the God

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For centuries, humans have coexisted with the other creatures on the planet. Some of them rose along with them to lead and rise, but some of them did the opposite.

A disastrous event happened two centuries ago, the Great World War, where almost half of all creatures were decimated, and some were extirpated within the six years of chaos.

The clash between the two Kingdoms, Goldenia and Hyperion brought demise not just on their races, but also to the whole planet.

The destructive war was caused by the ruthless, barbaric race of humans once called as Lost Barbarians. They want to prove that they are the most powerful human race in the world. To achieve their goal, they formed an alliance with the Hyperion Empire. This was an Empire ruled by Demons from the depths of the Icy hell, in the Continent of Barbaria. These demons were known from the myths and legends coming from the first civilizations that lived and ruled the Earth.

These creatures were known to possess the power of darkness, and they preferred to live in dark places like thick forests, caves, ravines, old mines and even inside volcanoes. The elders of the first civilizations believed that caves were entrances with interconnected mazes that either stop you or lead you to their kingdom, deep beneath the surface of the Earth. They came out of their realm to conquer and rule the surface of the Earth and to spread darkness, war, and chaos.

With their common goal, the Hyperion-Barbaria Unity was formed. This cold-blooded legion began to colonize islands, countries and regions of the world, but they never last long.

The Unity of Goldenia, was formed to protect and promote the common good in the world, and they want peace and protect the majority especially the weak against the enemies who want to conquer their lands for their own selfish needs. They consisted of three individual kingdoms; The Kingdom of Titania, lead by humans using their own wit and weaponries. Kingdom of Atlantis, the most advanced and civilized kingdom of their time with their people were known to wield the power of the sea. And lastly the Chiefdom of Gargantuaria, the bulkiest and the largest humanoid creature that ever existed yet less advanced and still live in a very primitive way.

The War became bloody and brutal.

The Goldenia was being overwhelmed by the enemies, Hyperion-Barbaria Unity was winning, and with their magic and endless waves of demon soldiers, almost there was no hope, but they never surrendered. They fought greatly in the battlefield, but at their last effort to defend the surface, a bright flash pierced through the dark, cloudy sky and blasted through the field, at the center of the bashing empires, and from the light, the Gods came.

The Asgardians appeared and helped Goldenia in the battle. They used their powerful and advanced weaponries against the barbaric demons. The demons' dark magic was no use against the strong, almost invincible Asgardians. After months of clash, they finally pushed the enemies from the coasts of Titania to the Fortress of Hyperion, and there, the Final Verdict happened.

Hyperion released their trump card, a gigantic serpentine dragon. It was very strong that even the Gods themselves were taken down. However, one Asgardian warrior walked gracefully towards the frontlines, and faced the ruthless monster.

The next second, the monster was sent flying up in the air and crashed into the ground, and with a final smash, the warrior successfully destroyed the enemy.

After the last demon was killed, the war was over.

The ruins of Hyperion-Barbaria Unity was left with corpses of their fallen soldiers. The Unity of Goldenia won and the Asgardians returned to their heavenly realm. Unfortunately, the Gargantuars, died out in the middle of the war and nothing was left to prove their existence. The world mourned for the loss of their trusty allies that fought until the end.

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