Chapter 4: The Guardian

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Like the other night, Bulls dream the same and is getting more and more realistic, but everytime he opens his eyes, he is back on his bed.


The next day, Bulls woke up before dawn and went into the kitchen to get some coffee, to wake his sleeping nerves up. He sat on the table and took a sip of it, the classic taste of the coffee that he planted, harvested, brewed and stirred on his cup, makes up his day.

While enjoying his coffee, he thought of what happened yesterday, his fight with Rocky and Thor's problem, all coming through his head.

"Is it the right decision?" He whispered, as if there is someone who was going to answer.

After a few moments, he finished his coffee and stood up, stretched his muscles and shakes his body off, "I am ready!"

Bulls walked out of the balcony, the gleam of the morning sun touched his face warmly. He was about to sit at the chair when he suddenly heard a loud bang coming from the yards.

"The heck?!" He exclaimed.

Bulls ran around the farm to look for the source of the noice.

"Thor, please not my stuff!" He worriedly exclaimed.

After sometime, Bulls reached the open field in front of the barn, he found someone there.

"What are you doing!?"

Thor was punching the huge boulder with his bare fist, "I am just, training. My apologies for the disturbance." He apologized and continued his training.

Bulls stepped forward, "Thor, about what you asked me last night, I'm in." He said.

Thor paused punching, "What do you mean "I'm in"?" He asked.

Bulls exhales, "What I mean is, let's go to Asgard and save your realm," he spoke calmly. "Are you coming?"

"Thank you, Bulls, I-I actually cannot believe that someone like you would help me. A stranger." His eyes began to shed tears.

Bulls smiled, "Oh come on, don't cry." He said patting his shoulder. "We still need to prepare for our journey."


While Bulls and Thor were planning their journey to Ribora, Rocky on the other hand is thinking of the things that happened yesterday. Even though he is strong and physically trained, he was easily taken down by Thor.

"That Thor!" He growled, while treating his wounds. "He is too strong for an ordinary man. Something's wrong with him, as if he's the actual God of Thunder."

Rocky paused, "Or is he?"

He gritted his teeth and held on the ice, tighter. "I need a plan."

Rocky proudly spoke and since he is an expert in the study of archaeology, paleontology and mythology of every country, continent and regions of the world, he can easily think of what he need to do.

Rocky placed the bag of ice above the table and went upstairs.

"Where did I put that thing?!" He exclaimed as he look for a specific book on his library.

After searching for an hour, he finally found it, "That's it, I am sure of it. Barbaria of the Past." He picked it up and ran straight into his study table, opened it up and scrolled through the pages.

After some scrolling he, suddenly stopped.

"Page two-hundred and seventeen, The Cave of Ezra."

He wiped his sweat on his forehead and began reading the book, "The Legendary Pearl of Ezra, hidden beneath the surface, in the Cave of Ezra. This mythical pearl possesses an unbelievable power that amplifies the strengths of its user...." He suddenly stopped.

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